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Posts: 4
07:41 AM 29/04/2013 |
Hi admins, I have long been playing your mod and would like to offer you so that you have made a new mod v 3.00. 1) Hunter . Added new models of weapons and players for the hunters of Modern Warfare 2, Black ops, new and exciting perks. To make it up to lvl 200, Аdmin, VIP badges. 2) that in the early rounds hunters were flying with а parachute 3) Predator . Appoint predators takeover target triangle http://dic.academic.ru/pictures/wiki/files/65/AvP_P02_AYool.jpg. Icon predeytera http://www.miastogier.pl/baza/Encyklopedia/osiagniecia/AliensvsPredator_PS3/1292371671.png. Model predator new perks and a knife instead of a gun.
OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 256
09:34 AM 29/04/2013 |
I had a little trouble decyphering what you were saying.. but I think you would like Obscurity on MW2 / Black Ops?
If that's the case, it can't be done. Last time I checked they don't support modding.
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Posts: 4
02:34 PM 29/04/2013 |
No, I meant to make a new mod in COD4 with new models of predator and hunter Weapons (MW2, MW3, Black Ops) benefits, predator green blood instead of red dripping, like in the movie Predator, or AVP game, lasers laterally http: / / oyster.ignimgs.com/ve3d/images/06/48/64844_AliensvsPredator-08.jpg mode nevedimki http://gamerzone.ws/uploads/posts/2011-08/1312959707_aliens-vs.-predator-1.jpg strips on the sides http://s47.radikal.ru/i118/1001/1b/53e54a77ce37.jpg
(xfire: cnoe00)
Posts: 19
04:03 PM 29/04/2013 |
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Posts: 4
05:34 AM 30/04/2013 |
ehh clear......
OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 256
06:08 AM 30/04/2013 |
Okay, I see what you mean. That would no longer be Obscurity, though. Whilst Obscurity shares some similar base ideas with Predator, Obscurity has branched into its own creation. Snakelet and Falcar don't want Obscurity to turn in to a Predator mod. They made it to be something different - a creation from their work and the community's input.
I have little to no say in the direction the mod takes, but I don't want it to become that either. I like Obscurity because it's Obscurity, not because it's Predator.
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Posts: 4
06:51 AM 30/04/2013 |
well, then let them do that newer realties, and that in each version of the same fashion only perks are changing and graphics and all ... about what I told you the same fashion Predator and it will be better ... you do for a players)), they want a more realistic .Decide for yourself , I have tossed the idea ;)
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
01:33 AM 01/05/2013 |
We have moved on from modding now. So us creating a new COD4 mod will unlikely never happen.
I would not say that we are dilatory, just lacking the time and money to commit to it as we used to. There does not seem to be much of a demand now that everyone has moved away from COD4, which affects our motivation as well. I singlehandedly do not have all the know-how to finish it off properly and Falcar is extremely busy making him unable to assist. I have been dabbling here and there trying to finish things off but I can only do so much (I can do more, but it will become a mess if I don't program it technically correct).
So while I occasionally do work on the final release, I would not hold your breath for it. To add onto that we do not plan to really add much more to it, but rather just finish off the features we have already partially implemented and add the final polish. Saying this though, it is not like Obscurity is in an unplayable state at the moment.
The main focus for final release (which would be the first time Obscurity has reached a final release and therefore not just a rehash such as the path COD has taken as you seem to be implying) is to finish off the maps so that they support the new gamemodes correctly and to finish off the obscurity stance sync abilities.
As for Predator etc, this has been discussed many times, and whilst a lot of influence came from the original film, we prefer and believe that Obscurity is at its best having its own fiction and originality with only slight influences from the film (basically the core concept of underpowered individuals vs an unknown invisible advanced being).
(xfire: cnoe00)
Posts: 19
04:53 PM 01/05/2013 |
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
11:28 PM 01/05/2013 |
I didn't get offended by it, it just prompted me to explain our current position on the mod (plus I learnt a new word anyway lol) :P
We do want to finish it off completely for the fans, but there is currently no timeframe for it so I don't want to unfairly get people's hopes up.