(xfire: baraspitfire)
Posts: 84
09:34 PM 07/09/2010 |
I know it has already been said but how about converting to a stand alone mod, it would allow increased versatility in what you can do, putting the limit from 10 mb to much more, and you might even get taken up by a big company if you send out emails requesting they take a look, its happened before, just look at portal (even if it was made from scratch)
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
12:47 AM 08/09/2010 |
If it's a standalone mod, it would not be a mod
It would be a full game developed by us, which we would love to do one day. We have a heap of ideas to make an epic Obscurity game as well as other game ideas. It's time, money and other commitments stopping us at the moment.
(xfire: baraspitfire)
Posts: 84
12:58 AM 08/09/2010 |
Lol yea i realised that after i posted it, but what if you send some stuff to some of the major producers with footage of good players powning, but maybe after tge stance tpdate ya know
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
05:52 AM 08/09/2010 |
We will see what the future brings...for now we will continue to provide updates to our existing mods until their final releases.
Posts: 17
10:29 PM 08/09/2010 |
Yes, until the final release we can wait, but we also can discust what engine it WOULD be used.
There is a lot of good engine, but my opinion, for cod4 realistic game style and anything.... UDK BEST KIT EVER.
I saw a lot of work there, Obscurity could get another level of game design, and anything. Obscurity could be the awesome of awesomeness. I am remaking Backlot to UDK, gonna make a LOT of KActor (physic object). And I can put some video here... or shots, Snake, can you give me permission to do this? in another thread?
(xfire: baraspitfire)
Posts: 84
12:16 AM 09/09/2010 |
Well no matter the engine im sure that it will be even more awesome then it is now, but arent some engines more restricted than others? Oh yea, get one with an awesome phys engine lol, make some awesome things possible... Pull a fridge into a marine kgo
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
12:25 AM 09/09/2010 |
We have considered both UDK and XNA so far, as well as creating our own engine, and yes we definately want some really cool physics, that are synchronised
I have personally used UnEd back in the day of UT2004 (Check out Ninjaz: Zenkai Warriors), and it is definately a great engine with good licensing for indie developers, but there are also some features about it that are not so good either.
Pobre, you don't need my permission to remake Backlot and post videos of it...
Posts: 17
12:58 AM 09/09/2010 |
Yeah, for remake, I don't, but considering there are forums that the owners just dislike somethings, I really wanted to ask before do. I'm not kind of people who just throws s--- and say: "Eat s--- and die." Duke Nukem Quote.
Your forum, your rules, your permission, but thanks for this :D
(xfire: baraspitfire)
Posts: 84
01:32 AM 09/09/2010 |
How did the engine turn out? Also make bullets entities, more firemodes ftw
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
03:10 AM 09/09/2010 |
Pobre - You may post a link to the video of your Backlot map remake.
As for making Obscurity a standalone game, if it was done it would be very different to how it turned out in CoD4. We have a heap of cool ideas that are just not possible with the current restrictions, but I can say that a strong focus would be on player immersion and minimal HUD.
Posts: 17
03:31 AM 09/09/2010 |
UDK -> Whole Engine to use and create
XNA -> C# language, also can be done for XBOX, BUT you will have to recreate EVERYTHING, Map system, Engine core, Model reader
(xfire: kidxrated)
Posts: 31
05:46 AM 09/09/2010 |
is this coming to xbox???????
(xfire: baraspitfire)
Posts: 84
08:36 AM 09/09/2010 |
quite likely not, but if it does it will be years untill it is, because look at it this way, teams of 40 or more people can take years to come out with a decent game, and with only two people? i think it would take much longer unless they were adopted by one of the major companies, i do not, however, think that you could get the same functionality out of an XBOX controller than you can get out of a computer keyboard, so i believe that this would be a PC exclusive game, especially if they do not get signed on by a major company.
Posts: 17
02:29 PM 09/09/2010 |
I said, XNA can be used for Xbox games, I didn't say it WILL have a Xbox version