(xfire: fragman2484842)
Posts: 34
06:58 PM 31/08/2010 |
I stumbled across a long time ago, but I recently discovered that they have something setup for game developers and modders so they can host their files via FTP on their servers... (Here's the link)
I knew people could always upload and download files from filefront, but like I said, I had no clue about this 'program' that they were doing for devs & modders.
It would be nice having download speeds of 700 kbps instead of 50 due to my location from your web hosting.
Remember, I'm not saying this is a necessity either, it's simply a suggestion/request.
Quick question: If you guys don't want to (or have the time to) make any of this happen, may I upload all of the (.rar) files to and post here with all the links so everyone else can find them? (I'd at least feel as though I'm giving 'something' to the community by doing that)
If what I asked above (about me uploading them) is the way to go, then may you at least request the FTP from filefront? If you could get that, I would be overjoyed to upload the files through that method. That way I'm not using the traditional method and 'possibly' losing the file links so I'd be forced to re-upload them again...
Let me know your thoughts on this.
(xfire: AzzDawg52)
Posts: 129
12:24 AM 01/09/2010 |
I do like this idea. It would get out word about Hitloc and Obs. Maybe get some more people interested in it.
Do you play on Snakelets obs server? If so what times will you be on? And what names do you play under Mr. game?
I am normally on night times with the rest of the guys, don't seem to see you on there.
(xfire: fragman2484842)
Posts: 34
12:08 PM 01/09/2010 |
I don't play on anyone else's servers. I manage my clans' Obscurity server on the 1.6 side of CoD4. It's only 16 slot, but so far no one's really on anymore (I think it's because of school starting and all that).
This post was meant solely for this forum's download section. Also, by using filefront, Snakelet or Falcar can get an account there and post somewhere here about the mod, that would get the word out further.