(xfire: topg3ar)
Posts: 26
05:21 AM 09/11/2009 |
This is a very weird problem i have here. This is my script:
init() { self.healthHud = newHudElem(); self.healthHud.alpha = 1; self.healthHud.x = 64; self.healthHud.y = 200; self.healthHud.alignX = "center"; self.healthHud.alignY = "middle"; self.healthHud setText("lol"); self.healthHud2 = newHudElem(); self.healthHud2.alpha = 1; self.healthHud2.x = 100; self.healthHud2.y = 200; self.healthHud2.alignX = "center"; self.healthHud2.alignY = "middle"; self.healthHud2 setText("omg"); }
When im testing i can only see the 'lol' hud element and the other one doesnt not show. I cant see anything wrong with it and its weird how 1 is showing but the other isnt. Anyone know why ?
OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 256
11:05 AM 09/11/2009 |
I haven't coded in cod, but I'll take a stab and say that there is no entity called healthHud2 ?
Posts: 40
03:42 PM 09/11/2009 |
HealthHud2 is just the varible he has attached to the hud elem, so it wouldn't make a difference.
Also, since the variable is based on "self", you want it to be a newclienthudelem.
This should (will) fix your problem :P
self.healthHud = newClientHudElem(self); self.healthHud.alpha = 1; self.healthHud.x = 64; self.healthHud.y = 200; self.healthHud.horzAlign = "fullscreen"; self.healthHud.vertAlign = "fullscreen"; self.healthHud.alignX = "left"; self.healthHud.alignY = "top"; self.healthHud setText("lol"); self.healthHud2 = newClientHudElem(self); self.healthHud2.alpha = 1; self.healthHud2.x = 100; self.healthHud2.y = 200; self.healthHud2.horzAlign = "fullscreen"; self.healthHud2.vertAlign = "fullscreen"; self.healthHud2.alignX = "top"; self.healthHud2.alignY = "left"; self.healthHud2 setText("omg");
run "init()" on a player, not level, and it will work. I've re-aligned the elem's to top left, as it's much easier to place them if the starting point is the top left of the screen. Also having a horzAlign and vertAlign "Fullscreen" will help with accurately placing it too, and avoid some issues where screensize and resolution can result in hud overlapping.
And yes, I do script for cod :P
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
09:30 PM 09/11/2009 |
I have seen what you have scripted Audioghost, and we never stated it was impossible to recreate phasing.
Posts: 40
12:36 AM 10/11/2009 |
Lol i might have mis-read/heard a post somewhere if thats the case, you have my apologies. I wasn't saying it in a snidy, competition-like way though, it was just an observation :) Again, my apologies.
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
01:32 AM 10/11/2009 |
If we created something, then it isn't impossible to do...otherwise we wouldn't have achieved it. It may have been said that it could be difficult to replicate, but TBH I don't think it was in reference to phasing
Posts: 40
07:34 AM 10/11/2009 |
Yeah I see what you mean, I just guess I mis-understood xD I'll change the video (if it was the video) description to remove any further confusion :P
(xfire: topg3ar)
Posts: 26
04:38 AM 11/11/2009 |
This is my whole code right now:
This is all started from _load.gsc using this: thread scripts\_mod::main();
and this is the code im having trouble with
main() { thread onNewConnection(); }
onNewConnection() { while(1) { level waittill("connected", player); player thread scripts\_mod::init(); } }
init() { self.healthHud = newClientHudElem(self); self.healthHud.alpha = 1; self.healthHud.x = 64; self.healthHud.y = 200; self.healthHud.horzAlign = "fullscreen"; self.healthHud.vertAlign = "fullscreen"; self.healthHud.alignX = "top"; self.healthHud.alignY = "left"; self.healthHud setText("lol"); self.healthHud2 = newClientHudElem(self); self.healthHud2.alpha = 1; self.healthHud2.x = 100; self.healthHud2.y = 200; self.healthHud2.horzAlign = "fullscreen"; self.healthHud2.vertAlign = "fullscreen"; self.healthHud2.alignX = "top"; self.healthHud2.alignY = "left"; self.healthHud2 setText("omg"); }
The self.healthHud2 still doesnt show i only can see the first HudElem
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
05:46 AM 11/11/2009 |
Ignore me :)
(xfire: topg3ar)
Posts: 26
06:27 AM 11/11/2009 |
who are you talking to Snake ? me ?
Posts: 40
07:55 AM 11/11/2009 |
When the thread you wish to run is in the same .gsc file or is used in an #include, you can just use 'thread()' no need for the folder structure :P Try this, but I cant see any reason why the second one won't show UNLESS you already have a tonne of hudelems and you've hit the limit.
main() { thread PlayerConnect(); }
PlayerConnect() { while(1) { level waittill("connecting", player); player thread PlayerSpawned(); } }
Spawned() { self endon("disconnect"); self waittill("spawned_player"); self thread init(); }
init() { self.healthHud = newClientHudElem(self); self.healthHud.alpha = 1; self.healthHud.x = 64; self.healthHud.y = 200; self.healthHud.horzAlign = "fullscreen"; self.healthHud.vertAlign = "fullscreen"; self.healthHud.alignX = "top"; self.healthHud.alignY = "left"; self.healthHud setText("lol"); self.healthHud2 = newClientHudElem(self); self.healthHud2.alpha = 1; self.healthHud2.x = self.healthHud.x + 36; self.healthHud2.y = self.healthHud.y; self.healthHud2.horzAlign = "fullscreen"; self.healthHud2.vertAlign = "fullscreen"; self.healthHud2.alignX = "top"; self.healthHud2.alignY = "left"; self.healthHud2 setText("omg"); }
Is there a reason the self.healthhud.x = 64, as 64 seems very specific? :P
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
08:00 AM 11/11/2009 |
Yeah, I wrote a reply, but then realised it was incorrect so I removed it Was in a rush as finishing my working day!
As Ghost said above, you can just use "self thread function ();" to call functions within the same file. I also suggest throwing in some iPrintLn (); statements to help you debug it ( such as "iPrintLn (self.healthHud2.x);" ) . My first suggestion for debugging would be to switch the two statements and see which one shows up.
Posts: 40
09:39 AM 11/11/2009 |
I'm not 100% certain, but "self.healthHud2" could be failing out as it contains an integer (number), and I'm not sure that actual variables can contain int's.
Maybe think about turning the hudelem into an array.
self.healthHud[0] and self.healthHud[1]
(Arrays have to start at 0, it's stupid I know :P)
Setting up the HUD would still be the same.
self.healthHud[0].x = ##
self.healthHud[1].x = ##
etc etc.
(xfire: topg3ar)
Posts: 26
06:14 AM 12/11/2009 |
Snake i tried what you said to do and i get the same result:
( i changed self.healthHud to self.tree so it didnt have an Integer in it and tree was the first thing that popped into my head )
self.tree = newClientHudElem(self); self.tree.alpha = 1; self.tree.x = 64; self.tree.y = 200; self.tree.horzAlign = "fullscreen"; self.tree.vertAlign = "fullscreen"; self.tree.alignX = "center"; self.tree.alignY = "middle"; self.tree setText("lol"); self.healthHud = newClientHudElem(self); self.healthHud.alpha = 1; self.healthHud.x = 100; self.healthHud.y = 200; self.healthHud.horzAlign = "fullscreen"; self.healthHud.vertAlign = "fullscreen"; self.healthHud.alignX = "center"; self.healthHud.alignY = "middle"; self.healthHud setText("omg");
'lol' is still the only one that shows up
oh and Audioghost the 'top' and 'left' alignment values for alignX and alignY cause errors.
Posts: 40
07:39 AM 12/11/2009 |
Oh yeah lol, sorry - got them mixed up XD
AlignY = "top";
AlignX = "left";
I don't see any reason why these wont work, your calling the thread on a player, the syntax & coding are fine.
I know this might sound stupid, but try removing the capital H from self.healthHud, for example "if(self.pers["team"] == "Allies")" will fail because it has a capital A, but "if(self.pers["team"] == "allies")" will work fine.
My only other idea is that you've hit the hudelem limit. How many hudelem's have you added?
EDIT: Doubtfull, but maybe "self.healthHud" is already a variable elsewhere in the game.
(xfire: topg3ar)
Posts: 26
07:48 AM 12/11/2009 |
I have just came across something else interesting when i was moving on from it:
if ( !self.scr_hasclaymore ) { self giveWeapon("claymore_mp"); wait 1; self SwitchToWeapon("claymore_mp"); self.scr_hasclaymore = true; }
If i do what ive scripted i get the claymore but when i place them the HudElement i already have disappears and if i shoot both of the claymores the hudelem comes back. My guess is something to do with self. is interfering with anything else to do with self. Its like only one thing can be used with self.
Posts: 40
07:52 AM 12/11/2009 |
Sounds alot like the hudlelem limit to me. When claymores are placed they get an overhead icon with their team emblem, which counts as a hudelem. Maxxing the hudelem limit would explain why when you place these claymores, your hud you added disappears - and why it comes back when the clay's are gone.
(xfire: topg3ar)
Posts: 26
07:56 AM 12/11/2009 |
I have only made 1 hud element.
Well heres an interesting turn of events. I would not have a clue what happened but i added a few more things and then tested and when i planted a clay the Hudelem didnt go away :D. though this isnt good because i dont have a clue how it was fixed. I havent tried adding another elem yet.
Heres a quick vid
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
10:46 AM 12/11/2009 |
Is it going to be like a CS type thing where you earn money and buy your weapons each round? That could be interesting.
(xfire: topg3ar)
Posts: 26
09:39 PM 12/11/2009 |
Yep. thats the plan :D