(xfire: blake91158)
Posts: 119
06:19 AM 08/06/2009 |
ok i finally got back on teh site and i think it wud b pretty cool if u cud add another 4th perk and i was thinking a fire extinguisher perk wich allowes u to extinguish u and others from a miss thrown incen nade
just a thought let me know wat u think ;)
OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 256
07:00 AM 08/06/2009 |
Which is useful once every 5 rounds, takes ages to pull out, by which time the flames have worn off, then you're sitting there with an extinguisher as an ob charges you.
(xfire: mavrickmaster)
Posts: 85
07:30 AM 08/06/2009 |
well u could team up wit the obs then and put them out
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
08:27 AM 08/06/2009 |
You shouldnt be hitting friendlies with them, and it takes 2 to kill anyone...pointless perk IMO
(xfire: blake91158)
Posts: 119
11:44 AM 08/06/2009 |
Soz it was just a idea
Posts: 14
06:03 PM 08/06/2009 |
Hy guyz i have some great IDEAS !
First i know from the elements of war mod (an germany mod)they have rain, snow and thunder in their cod(4!)Mod why are not build it in ur mod ?
Twoth when comes an version with the lamp(For night)out pls want some !
And i have ideas for perks
1. All seeing eye - One of ur team is the commander and he have only a M4 with one shot kill and ten bullets and his knive but he can see the obscuritys
2. Master Laser - you Have a turret what you can do on the ground and some thing like a black claymore that is the black sensor and all obscuritys that comes in the sensor that wolud be attacked !
3.Granade Technicke - Your man have only a knive and 10 C4s 10 Lasers and 5 Granades that can be trowhn on a wall and like a claymore that is on the wall (Like K3 Mod granades)
4.New game mod: Commander - One of the Survavalist team is a commander that can make airstrikes all 3 Minutes build turrets on the ground make Cars (If its possible - Make dobbys vehicle script better) And let spawn some Computer (AI) played cammerades that help you but they have less energy than u and the are not so good.
5.5 Perks like nightvision (extra perk) Turrets (for ones that not wana be a master laser because with master laser u have 3 Turrets here u have one)
6.Obscurity Perks (Special attacks that are availble when kills 2 Survavalists like Fire Inferno, Ice Wall [For hide ur self for bullets], Thunder Storm [All Things in the world flys around and the enemys fly one feet over the ground and they are slowler then normaly and they cannot run.
7.When making commander mode if possible than make greater Maps and maps were noone can go out.
8. Make the laser distance configurable in the obscurity defaults.cfg because u i have seen the k3 mod lasers and they are gooing 9999 Meters long and they are configurable
EDIT : LOOK This video there cars in the map i have played it
Download only on this side
Mapname is mp_secjail
Posts: 70
08:36 PM 08/06/2009 |
Okay then .. From what i can remember to comment on
You need to remember this is cod4 ;) the engine is limited for what i have heard, so thunderstorms nd shiz ain't gonna work great :)
As for the commander that has like 10 bullets and instakill and can see obs.. ITS TOO EASY, kinda makes u wanna just play normal cod4 =/
Turrets = too easy still..
the thing where u get like 10 grenades and C4... too easy = campers with tons and tons of c4 in rooms and crap that obs wont stand a chance against.
im sorry but all ur ideas sucked for me xD except the ice wall (except maybe make it like lasery kinda wall for sci-fi affect) to stop bullets for like 10seconds =/
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
01:57 AM 09/06/2009 |
Yeah, from my POV I'm going to have to say no to all those suggestions. Effects limits, xmodel limits, useable button limits, and current mod structure does not have room for these things, or I simply do not think some of the ideas suit the mod.
And about those lasers, if you could provide some more information or perhaps a screenshot of what you mean by K3 lasers, that would be great, as from what I know the laser perk in our mod is exclusive to our mod and functions completely different to the lasers on guns etc.
Posts: 14
12:39 PM 09/06/2009 |
Ok i ask u now guys most of the things (Only COmmander not) are in other mods like elements of war and k3 mod why are u not have that ? And i realy think if u are something like rasism for newys in forums and so.
And now i really want an answer ! OK ?
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
12:54 PM 09/06/2009 |
Reasons being that we have reached the engine limits with adding new models, menu items, effects etc etc so on so forth. There are a million+ ideas we haven't added due to limits. Also, our mod is not based off other mods. It is a mod we have created and are creating to the best of our ability and the engines capabilities and for you to come along and say "add this, add that, copy this, copy that, you a racist if you don't" is stupid without knowing how the engine works and reading up about all the millions of reasons why we can't add certain things that we have posted heaps about within the threads on this website.
And immaturity gets you nowhere. I gave you answers why they can't be added (and TBH the ideas you provided don't really suit our mod), so try and understand the reasons behind things before going on a stupid rant. Have you actually seen the vehicles added by novemberdobby, they are cool and all, but the engine was not built for them, and if you want to go make a fail mod, with HUD beeps, spam effects and vehicles using a limit of roughly, 14 or so xmodels then go ahead.
Now here are your answers:
1. All seeing eye - No, bad idea, would make the game too easy if you could see the obs, spam where he is to others. How about you try the squad function. This idea also deviates from the whole "marines with normal technology" philosophy we are trying to take.
2. Master Laser - Would create spam and lame auto kills, xmodel limit would crash maps, and I don't like the idea. Turrets take no skills, only spam.
3.Granade Technicke - Oh more spam, and a custom class. Menu limit would die, TK's would be way too high, and obscurity players would not stand a chance. Did I say spam?
4.New game mod: Commander - Spam, spam, menu limit, xmodel limit, spam.
5. Perks like nightvision: Day night cycle in place requires NV. Spam, xmodel limits, menu limits.
6.Obscurity Perks: Button limits, explained elsewhere on website, obscurity have all features from the get go. Do you really want to be switching classes and missing rounds everytime you are picked to play as obscurity. I don't think so. Menu limits, and out of place abilities.
7. Not making commander mode (spammander mode/xmodel map crasher mode).
8. This, I asked for explaination, but I received a rant. Firstly I have no idea about these K3 lasers, as the laser perk we have added was built from scratch, and I highly doubt you will see it in another mod (unless stolen). You want to lag up your game then go ahead, we on the other hand are trying to make a playable and enjoyable mod.
Summary of your ideas: Out of place, destroy the mod due to all the stuff we have currently packed in (Yes, there is a limit to how much stuff modders can add) and overall none of them are appealling in the slightest.
(xfire: seamusthefamous)
Posts: 526
01:23 PM 09/06/2009 |
(xfire: jlid)
Posts: 71
01:39 PM 09/06/2009 |
Posts: 244
01:42 PM 09/06/2009 |
(xfire: mavrickmaster)
Posts: 85
02:08 PM 09/06/2009 |
Posts: 70
02:21 PM 09/06/2009 |
Guys i dont think the pictures are necessary, he put some ideas forward and they have been turned down.. He was immature at saying the 'rasism' part but are you making yourselves look any maturer with those images ^^? (Althought they are funny :P )
(xfire: blake91158)
Posts: 119
07:41 AM 10/06/2009 |
lol freakin helarious ill continue shall i :D
(xfire: jlid)
Posts: 71
08:07 AM 10/06/2009 |
(xfire: chaosbeserker)
Posts: 53
10:25 AM 10/06/2009 |
snakelet, the maker of the K3 mod is called KiLL3R and he's in my clan. he is an excellent modder/mapmaker. Heres his website, if you contact him and show him the mod then he should be able to show you a few things.
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
10:51 AM 10/06/2009 |
I really just wanted to know what DARK meant about extending the laser distance, as the lasers I am assuming he meant, have no relation to the gun lasers you can toggle on and off.
I cannot see anything in K3 mod that would suit our mod. It's completely different type of mod to what we are aiming for. Thanks for the offer though.
(xfire: chaosbeserker)
Posts: 53
03:45 PM 10/06/2009 |
i think it was in reference to the lasermines shown here where the distance an be toggled. (the grenade above it is a sticky grenade and acts like a claymore)
Posts: 14
05:00 PM 10/06/2009 |
Yea chaos k3 is great and snaklet what is with the idea of a lamp in the night and what is with the weather effects idea ?
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
09:27 PM 10/06/2009 |
we tried torches but couldnt get it polished enough to release due to effect alignment issues. we have thrown the weather idea around many times and maybe in the future.
Edit: Now that I'm off the mobile phone I saw the picture. The distance our lasers travel can be altered by us, but we have set the distance at a length we feel is appropriate for the mod. This is due to the gameplay as well as for performance issues. The laser flashes and beeps when crossed by an enemy, so it is constantly updating and calculating the length between the two points. The longer the point, the faster the updates need to be so that the laser looks visiually correct. Falcar can correct me if I am wrong, but it is mainly set at the length we have it at for gameplay and performance issues.
(xfire: seamusthefamous)
Posts: 526
05:15 AM 11/06/2009 |
Yes it is for those reasons, mostly performance, not because of the update rate but because of the way OUR lasers work (being dynamic in length rather than billboard sprites) it takes up a certain amount of one effect type, and this increases depending on the length. There is a limit to how many instances of this effect type you can have, and ours is the most I thought reasonable to suit this limit.