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OBSCURITY >> Feedback & Suggestions >> Continuous ideas

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
11:29 PM 01/05/2009

ok guys. y not put the regular custom classess? you can totally screw the overkill perk by making the person SUPER SLOW and HEAVY. so no one will use it. that way we all get our classess and w/o having to post them or have them never added to the presets. an idea i would really love to be put in play.

also the teamkilling idea with "punishment" is a good idea but not necessary.

we could use the clay portals idea and implement it for the obs. keep it 2 way and operable the whole game. the marines just might find one and be killed or tele'd to safety. its a risk u CAN take.

also plz add a Z value to the bottom of the map, but not KILL the obs or the marines. just make it so u cant tele when under the map. make it so that everytime u go down there u get put back at ur spawn, and if thts where the marines are when u fall..too bad.

thanks and plz consider

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
01:58 AM 02/05/2009

1. Already been discussed AND tried.
2. True
3. We have portal like ideas, but not via claymores, and probably not going to be used. There is a whole new system ready for implementing if we decide to, but we will decide that later.
4. That's Falcar's area. I'll let him reply now.

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
02:18 AM 02/05/2009

Persistent classes will never happen, not possible. I'm sure you've heard of the infamous xmodel limit? Well, there's a menu limit too. You cannot edit the menu files, because it's simply too many files changed and the game will explode.

I don't see why people need to be able to go under the map... it's quite clearly glitchy and not something we want happening

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
03:35 AM 02/05/2009

Its cause they want to phase down through floors and stuff i think...if you add respawn on z then they can do it without consequence if we were to add downwards phasing.

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
07:40 AM 02/05/2009

Lol, you phase down through the ground too often with downwards phasing... WAY too often when it's turned on. And remember, I only had to add the kill triggers on some maps, most of them will already kill you if you go down there and there's nothing we can do about that.

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
08:07 AM 02/05/2009

I dont care about it, just assuming thats why they want it Tongue out

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
11:32 PM 02/05/2009

well that really sucks a lot. can you guys like delete the pick obs team from the menu or get rid of something else? im not sure how u could clear up room for it ,but maybe u could get rid of the obs team choice and put the custom class tab there? and get rid of the presets and default classes to make room for the customs? or am i missing the bullet?

and snakelet was right. we wouldnt phase to get under the map but just be able to move thro buildings easier and escape entrapment in a building as obs. and the "respawn" would keep people from teleporting other under the map and it would keep them from screwing up the game for the rest of the people. also sometimes when u want to escape or make a quick get away it would really help to be able to phase to the lower floor or under the bridge.  

and as for the ones that will already kill us, can u add another z factor above that? so once u hit the 1st z factor u instantly "repsawn" before you die?

and cool for the portals.

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
11:48 PM 02/05/2009

Of course you wouldn't mean to phase under the map, but the way it works if it isn't restricted is if you aim even slightly below the horizontal and accidentally fire you get sucked through the ground... I tested it extensively and even when trying to go through walls i would somehow end up under the ground.




Posts: 60
06:08 AM 03/05/2009

wat bout you know how the "predators" have their own lasers in AvP how bout obs have their own ? but they odnt make a noise they cut them into mini bite size peices =]

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
08:13 PM 03/05/2009

well you know how there are "walls" that are invisible? maybe u could put those on ground zero that make it to where u cant phase thro it. like have a minimum "phasable" factor?

also could u make it to where we get our perks back after being revived? and camo (but less important).

almost forgot. what about the menu? anyway to clear up space from unwanted or un necessary tabs or items?




Posts: 41
07:49 PM 05/05/2009

3. We have portal like ideas, but not via claymores, and probably not going to be used. There is a whole new system ready for implementing if we decide to, but we will decide that lat

cool they will make portals just like i wanted

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
08:47 PM 05/05/2009

No, we have the brainstormed ideas on paper, but it is likely the ideas will not be added...

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
11:53 PM 05/05/2009

snakelet: which ideas? portals?

also u cant clear up un needed junk on the menu bar for custom classes? like the obs side on the choose team part?(or get rid of it all together, u can only pick humans)

ohh also wht about giving the perks back to the people after they are revived???

other dude: nice idea

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
02:12 AM 06/05/2009

Portals: Ideas I am not sharing in case we choose not to use them.

Menu: We have tried with custom classes, it failed, badly. End of story.

Perks: We will look into it if we remember.




Posts: 41
07:55 PM 08/05/2009

oh k so portals wont be in obs mod?



OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 256
05:30 AM 09/05/2009

"Portals: Ideas I am not sharing in case we choose not to use them."

He just said this ^

That's your answer...

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
07:08 PM 10/05/2009

finally on the comp again so i can post.

ok, understandable about the portals.

perk returning will most certainly be nice after revive.  (if u ever get to it or not its cool)

is there anyway to add a 3rd team??? 1 with humans and obs..

also what are u thinking about the phasing downwards???



OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 256
02:38 AM 11/05/2009

Blazer, phasing down isn't being put in now. They had trouble with it lul




Posts: 41
07:50 PM 11/05/2009

oh k sorry didnt understood it at first reading

(xfire: AzzDawg52) 



Posts: 129
01:42 PM 13/05/2009

Heres an idea to counter all those douche's who just muck around as obs and let the map run out rather than play.


Vote Kill.


Easy, activate vote, but to kill a specific person. would help if someones AFK too.




Posts: 13
08:08 AM 14/05/2009

Then whats stopping twats from just voting to kill you just because they think you hack, are to good and dont like you? I think i would be voted to be killed way to much with that idea people are most likely going to stop playing obscurity. Which i dont think we want to happen. As for the Classes, i say keep them how they are. I have learnt to quickly select a class faster than it takes to goto the presets and choose one of them.  Downwards phasing would completely kill the game so im happy that would never be implemented. Z Value i wish was to respawn you. And lastly, portals are pointless. Whats the chance on creek there are going to be portals in and out of there? Making it even more annoying fighting the obscurity to stay out of that damned place. Its bad enough we have spammers that tk in there let alone a portal to certain obscurity doom. I reckon there should be no TK limit. I hunt alone so i have no worry with the accidental TK. It will also teach spammers to NOT spam, seeing as the whole " Everyone use a sniper " Idea failed.

=P xoxoxox xD <3 obs =D

YS - Describes MAST0R!!!



OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 256
09:43 AM 14/05/2009

I agree, my idea originally to help prevent tards was that a feature be built in, a mini melon ban

it occurs for a round, or 2mins, and can be done only by select people (that falcar puts in, or possibly the server admins) and is entirely optional for servers to have.

i.e: ingameadmin = 1 or = 0


Yours truly,

 Demons master.

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
10:11 AM 14/05/2009

Some UK servers enabled the voting feature and it was abused. People would group up and if somebody they didn't like or didn't want there joined, they would vote kick.




Posts: 60
09:22 AM 18/05/2009

how bout this

marines can pick up ded bodies and use them for a shield BUT they cannot shoot knife jump or go prone but the bodies have a "life span" (even though they are ded)

hows that :P

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
09:34 AM 18/05/2009

I thought we made it clear that RAGDOLLS ARE NOT SYNCHRONISED...I guess not Undecided

Although it is a nice idea, and would be cool if the enemy had a gun, but seeing as they don't it is kinda of pointless AND if they can't protect themselves whatsover, more pointless. "I'll just stand here and shield myself from an obs that is going to try and stab me, without any way to protect myself".

(xfire: batman5611) 



Posts: 51
02:44 PM 18/05/2009



Comedic Gold! Wink




Posts: 244
06:35 PM 18/05/2009

I smell an april fools release "update" for next year >.< Be hysterical. Everyone is way underpowered and has a crap ton of useless powers. Like turning into trees and stuff, kinda like the props mod. That mod is so funny! I had the entire team line up as dumpsters infront of the spawn. Other team wet themselves on vent! >.<

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
08:17 PM 20/05/2009

I disagree. Downward phasing should happen pol are more mature now and some can handle it

(xfire: batman5611) 



Posts: 51
02:11 AM 21/05/2009

Your right, people ARE moar mature now. And there are some that could probly handle it.

But its the other 90% of f---HEADS that are one of the reasons it isn't implemented.

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
03:01 AM 21/05/2009

And its super glitchy, you will fall through the ground even when that was not your intention.

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
06:36 AM 21/05/2009

Just thinking about it then had an idea as to why it is super glitchy... could be that terrain surfaces are only detectable top->bottom, because the current code I have written only traces bottom->top................. (runs to try it out)

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
06:38 AM 21/05/2009

LOL, have fun and goodluck {#emotions_dlg.gunslinger} Although I still think if you can phase down out bottom of map, it shouldn't be added.

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
06:55 AM 21/05/2009

OMG, I was right and it's awesome. Not only can you phase through the floor, but it makes forward phasing more natural as you don't have to aim up at all. With fix it is practically impossible to get stuck in the ground, and you have to be trying (or stupid) to fall out of the map :) Methinks it will be in next update :P

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
07:44 AM 21/05/2009

Ill have to check it out when I get home

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
06:06 PM 21/05/2009

Sweet sweet sweet! Thanks a bunch! And um also I'm wondering I'd there a way to add a 3rd part to the levels? Human and obs, plus another?? (suspect no) Woops almost forgot. What is up with the random placement of the marines after the swap? I mean I understand the whole cage deal on showdown but can't u guys just make the obs fall to it's death instead of changing the whole weapon? The strategy is to put marines high up so they either requires last stand or a real test of there wits when they are alone. The random gun just make it harder for the obs to trace and chase down that last guy.

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
06:34 PM 21/05/2009

(can you make the simple box bigger? iPods can't scroll down) Also during the weekend when I played obs, I was hardcore sniping (and kickin butt XD) when I noticed the r700 and possibly the 50cal were somewhat weaker. I unexpectably died when an obs was running at me and I shot him in the chest when he was about 4-5ft away, but he survived. And on the kill cam it showed possibly around one fourth to half damage inflicted on him. Usually when I sniped no matter how far away he was, when I shot him from the chest up he died. So I was wondering if you changes that or something. I would appreciate you changing it back if you messed with it because that's the only good thing about them. They are heavy and really slow and the Obs are fast agile and nimble. So it seems those guns should at least have that kind of power. Thanks




Posts: 244
08:33 PM 21/05/2009

After 30 Feet the Sniper rifle has fulling killing power (more with Stopping power Perk) Before 30 feet, on a scale moving down the damage falls off in a linear pattern. So if he's 4-5 feet away, it's doing about 1/4-1/3 damage. That's why that happened. I think only head shots could kill close range like that. And the new swap was put in place to stop swap kills where the marine is running, you perch on a telephone pole, and they swap you and you just run off to your death. Falcar removed the score for those kills so no points were added, but people still did it waaaay too much, since you can do it accross the map for cheese kills. The way it is now though I think is SO much better. Because not only can you swap mid-air again, it sends them somewhere random so they can't turn around and destroy you while trying to kill a friend of theirs >.< By the time they get back, all they see is a blood smear ;)  As Blizzard inc. would say "Everything is working as intended" ^.^





(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
01:01 AM 22/05/2009

Blazer the whole point of the swap gun was to gain access to a group of campers, whilst making them one less. It still does this, and is a more solid weapon now as marines won't be running out of maps and stuff, stuck in places they can't get out of, and they don't have to waste a perk slot just so they can survive a drop off a roof. The original aim of the swap rifle is functioning at it's best now and is making the game more solid in return.

As for the sniper rifles, yes they have been changed, no we will not change them back. People were using them like shotguns and one-hitting obs left right and centre. It's a sniper rifle, you are meant to snipe with it. So to actually make people snipe with it, the damage is proportional to the distance, so long shots do a lot of damage, whilst up close it they do less damage and you need to get a headshot for a 1 hit at that range.





Posts: 244
02:09 AM 22/05/2009

hey guys =) Just thought of this today. I know that the obs has 2 ways of getting down from a stuck wall. Hold F or press it. I was wondering if it was within the coding posibility to make it so you could just normal jump. So you could scale a wall slowly without making sound. Or if you landed like 3 feet to the left above a guy, you could look that way, walk while stuck, jump, and then be able to hit F again so that you could kinda wall crawl without making the amazingly loud sounds of the uber jump. Just wondering ^.^



(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
08:14 AM 22/05/2009

Walking on walls would be lame, as we cant use any custom animations... I think once you see the cool new phasing you won't care. If I landed 3 feet above a guy I'd be pulling him up to me for some midair stabbiness.




Posts: 244
04:36 PM 22/05/2009

Psh, that's what I usually try to do, but there are so many damn invisible ledges and little protrusions that most of the time they just seem like a jumpy rodent in a small cage. They either hit windo sills or the like xD Anyway, was just a thought =P Wasn't meant to be pretty, just practical, lol. And I don't think I was exactly clear anough >.< I didn't mean be able to move after being stuck, I just meant the ability to jump in a direction, but a small jump for micro adjustments. Nevertheless I guess it will be moot with the new phasing! I'm so excited! lol



(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
02:44 AM 23/05/2009

I understand the mini jump thing, but I'm not sure it would work too well, if at all, with space. If you are not moving far, you hardly make a noise, so I'd suggest just covering up your leap movements with a static decoy nearby.

As for the new phasing, I have played with it a bit, and the downward phasing does work much better then when it was first added and tried. It is a huge improvment, but there will still be the occasional person accidently phasing through the ground.

PS: I love pulling a guy up to you then knifing his legs and watching him fall back to the ground and go splat!




Posts: 244
04:22 AM 23/05/2009

Ditto! Or better yet, slash their legs as they fly way past you, get a nade ready, and hit the ground with it right before they fall back down xD They get this funny lil bounce and are like oh wow I didn't die from the fall, so then I knife them and do the b11 laugh thingy xD

Also if I'm feeling rather mean. I use a last stand guy as a decoy, wait for a marine to try and Epinephrine pen him, and swap the guy on the ground right before he does, he hits me with the Pen, I laugh, and then cut his face off xD and the other guy dies alone ^.^ My idea of fun anyway ;)

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
04:58 AM 23/05/2009

Hmmm, haven't done that before...nice.




Posts: 60
09:50 AM 25/05/2009

would not have a clue how you done the preset stuff but can it be changed by other server admins so maybe they could select their own presets for their server, can this be done ?

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
04:19 PM 26/05/2009

Sorry it took so long but I'm back now. 1 understandable about the sniper but in real life it would still have that power (damn immature players). 2 also I have agreed with the swap gun as I experienced it this weekend. 3 also will you guys add the "teleport" to spawn as soon as you reach a certain Z value on the map? 4 LOVE the downward phasing. So glad I pushed for it and you guys worked your magic :) 5 reminder on getting perks back after revive. 6 is it possible to implement bullets that like glow of something? It's be pretty cool to see them flying at night and seeing where your friends are shootin. (just something that would look cool, used as perk or no perk) 7 really love the direction this mid is going in and hope it continues to thrive. 8 any plans for modern warfare 2?

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
09:23 PM 26/05/2009

default game has tracers, we turned them off.

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
04:35 PM 27/05/2009

Ok that's cool if you don't want em. What about modern warfare 2 and the respawn type deal after the Z value?

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
03:21 AM 28/05/2009

We will most likely delve into bringing Obscurity to MW2 if they don't stuff about with mod tools and redirects for too long. 

I don't think we will be adding respawns on dropping out of maps, only killzones, sorry.

Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear


Posts: 1
06:07 AM 28/05/2009

hey i got a question,

how would one go about hosting his own obs mod server? is that even possible?

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
06:27 AM 28/05/2009

Grab the mod, run the mod, execute the cfg, run a map...

I suggest you google "how to run a COD4 server" to find out how.




Posts: 5
07:40 AM 28/05/2009

I only had  a quick skim so dont abuse me if i didnt see this posted :P

what is really annoying to me in the game is when im obs and Possess someone the yell out "POSS [gun/Gun colour]" and then the obs dies or has to shed the body, not always the case but most of the time. My suggestion is to silence the possessed so they cant ruin it for the obs then give the possed body a sign that they are possed like noise or something.

just a thought :)

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
08:31 AM 28/05/2009

they allready have noise dont they? but its challenging so you keep looking out on the map for poss. even tho they yell out.. if they yell out the actual gun and ghillie then its harder for obs. but it would be way overpowered for obs if we couldnt yell out.. cause its fail when someone behind you gets poss's and he doesnt say "POSS"

(xfire: batman5611) 



Posts: 51
04:04 PM 28/05/2009

im actually a big fan of silencing ppl when they get possed. if an obs has the luck/skill to poss someone, then its to their credit, and they shudnt get it wrecked by an a--hole marine spamming the global chat

personally when i get possed, i dont say a word. i just think "you f---ing bastard" and then watch the hilarity as they rape my team.

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
04:06 PM 28/05/2009

Sweeeet. Can't wait for MW2 even more now :) Sucks about respawn thing. Oh well. For the other guy, yes the possessed marine makes a Boise when he runs or walks. I don't remember getting an answer to this question. Can u guys add a 3rd party? And could you guys make a class that takes all guns from the marines and obli gives them perks and make their knife as kong as the obs and as quick?

(xfire: batman5611) 



Posts: 51
12:14 AM 29/05/2009

Blazer, put the keyboard down, and back away from it, before falcar stabs you.






Posts: 60
08:39 AM 29/05/2009

how about a random perk/weapons selection so that those who "say" they want a challenge can just click that and go ?




Posts: 5
08:56 AM 29/05/2009

"they allready have noise dont they? but its challenging so you keep looking out on the map for poss. even tho they yell out.. if they yell out the actual gun and ghillie then its harder for obs. but it would be way overpowered for obs if we couldnt yell out.. cause its fail when someone behind you gets poss's and he doesnt say "POSS""

I meant obs noise, and hence my saying some tell tale sign that the person is possesed and when you say harder do you mean obsolute r*pe for the ob, i think its already hard enough as an ob with people like describe in the server why should we have to suffer (no offence intended) people like you yelling out that they were stupid enough to get possessed?




Posts: 60
10:33 AM 29/05/2009

along with my random gun setup post ive just popped another idea out :P

how bout a new perk that increasing the crouch/prone speed because ive been watching others play and have noticed that nearly 75% of them die when getting up from crouch or prone so just have a think bout that plz thnxs

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
10:51 AM 29/05/2009

Hustle works in all stances, you can crawl, crouch and run faster.

Obs kick stuff around and emit sounds whilst in a possessed body already.

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
01:36 PM 29/05/2009

Lmao batman. Too bad I'm on my iPod and not a computer XD Just a question >: it'd be cool. Yeah I like that one guys idea. Could you guys add a preset that that totally gives you random EVERYTHING??? :D

(xfire: batman5611) 



Posts: 51
03:50 AM 30/05/2009

im all for the random class selection sounds like a great idea.


snake or falc, anyway of silencing the global chat of a person when they get posssed?




Posts: 1
05:55 AM 30/05/2009

Maybe when obs run through smoke, they disturb it?

(xfire: batman5611) 



Posts: 51
07:52 AM 30/05/2009

Blitz, already asked that, and got ignored. I hope you have better luck Wink

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
10:35 AM 30/05/2009

Particle effects do not have player collision. Best we can do is death chat off.



OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 256
11:50 AM 30/05/2009

Definitely no dead chat off :[

Would ruin the community!




Posts: 244
01:54 PM 30/05/2009

On the EAS servers the admins decided to turn off dead to living chat because people were spamming macros whenever they got possessed! Hasn't ruined the community at all! Every single night I see at least 20+ people on and it's fine ^.^ And no more being allerted to possess. Then again all you have to do it press Tab to see xD

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
02:20 PM 30/05/2009

 "i think its already hard enough as an ob with people like describe in the server why should we have to suffer (no offence intended) people like you yelling out that they were stupid enough to get possessed?"


lately now if des get poss'd the obs would still have to knife as des nowadays just clicks and dances :D

cant beleive u were even bothered to do that des. lol



OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 256
09:41 PM 30/05/2009

I only did that like once or twice!




Posts: 60
06:05 AM 31/05/2009

how bout u know how obs bleed when they get shot and bleed more when they move. when obs are bleeding the more kills they get (whilst bleeding) the more the blood heals and stops :P





Posts: 14
08:02 AM 31/05/2009

Rofl !

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
08:28 AM 31/05/2009

I believe servers can turn dead chat off in cfg is they wish.




Posts: 2
04:23 AM 01/06/2009

Hello, new to the forum... I have some ideas i would like to suggest.

New Game mode:

Hunt - A set ratio of Obs to marines/sas in a team deathmatch where killing an obs will allow you to spawn as one, and your vicitm as a marine/sas, bascially switching sides.

General Suggestions:

Stun grenade - Temporarily disrupts the cloaking of the obs for a few seconds making him a target.

OBS Traps - creating a "claymore" that mimics one of the firing modes of the rifle or ensnaring the victim. this would make use of the "bomb squad perk"


Now, some questions for Snakelet,

Have you ever played Aliens vs. Predator and if so, was this the inspiration for this mod?

Do you plan on creating skins (player skin, weapon skin etc etc) for the Obs?



(xfire: warmourner) 



Posts: 75
06:01 AM 01/06/2009

one problem with those ideas- xmodel limits. nuff said.

if not, well everything in the game pretty much uses xmodels, so unless you want obscurities looking like opfor guys then bleh.

also, with the hunt idea, it would just mean people would let themselves get killed so they can be obs, and what would happen if an obs killed several people at the same time, by blowing up a C4, hm!?

(ps: i believe its pretty much at the xmodel limit as it is, with the VIP.)

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
06:44 AM 01/06/2009

Hunt: Similar idea we have is a possiblity in future, but not definite. (Think I called it Transfer or something in notes)

Stun: Xmodel limit has been reached EXACTLY. We cannot add anymore xmodels, and although this idea seems simple, it would need 3 new xmodels just to implement. Other thing is custom animated models. The plugins provided do not seem to work for animated models, as such the obs would just look like a reskinned opforce.

OBS Trap: No, we have no more buttons available for scripting, and I don't believe adding something like this will achieve much due to the gameplay. Xmodel limit reached, so it would just look like a claymore, reskin = new xmodel, which we cannot do.

The original idea was based on the movie Predator, so I guess that is the inspiration for the mod. It has since evolved to be pretty unique on it's own in my opinion.

Obscurity weapon already has a custom skin, sight etc. (see the holographic sight on the gun). Have also reskinned the first person viewmodel of the obscurity. (Pale, veins etc).

We have and are creating the best we can with the limits that are in place within IW's engine.


(xfire: batman5611) 



Posts: 51
02:31 PM 01/06/2009

Snake, Falc, go work for IW, and make a better engine. Geez, why do I have to come up with all the solutions? Tongue out

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
01:26 AM 03/06/2009

hey guys. been a while hasnt it?

well i was wondering wht you guys response was to the random preset class...??

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
03:39 AM 03/06/2009

We will most likely attempt to add this in the near future as it is a nice idea Wink




Posts: 60
07:18 AM 03/06/2009

what about when ur in a squad show above their heads what perks they have

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
08:50 AM 03/06/2009


(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
08:36 PM 15/07/2009

Hey guys! Sorry it's been a long time. Been busy knifing obs ;) Ty for the random classes. Great job on mod still, um could you guys make a perk in the 1st slot that would make u swing faster with a knife or any idea to have a really good perk on the first and second slot on perks for marines who love to knife obs? Something like explosives expert to where all u get is a pistol. Any good ideas to use as perks? Like um maybe in the second slot make u swing faster and in the first like make the marines ......... Idk something LOL

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
06:49 AM 16/07/2009

Swinging knife faster isn't possible :( Unless (and heres an idea) you could choose your knife as your offhand weapon, so instead of having a pistol you could get your knife out and ready to swing faster, but can't shoot while its in this ready stage.




Posts: 4
11:44 AM 16/07/2009

on the "Intel Tips" when maps are loading it says: Falcar is good with sharp stabby weapons so beware or something like that.

does that mean you might introduce machettes or swords etc? or is it not possible

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
12:22 AM 03/08/2009

awww. ok :(

umm heres another idea. can you guys make it to where when u drop ur weapon u can still knife? and if u drop all ur weapons can u make it wo where u run even faster? so u can drop weapons and run around fast and knife :) or just being able to knife after drop weapon would be nice. lol

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
02:49 AM 03/08/2009

"on the "Intel Tips" when maps are loading it says: Falcar is good with sharp stabby weapons so beware or something like that. does that mean you might introduce machettes or swords etc? or is it not possible?" falconstar

It's actually more a reference to Terminator 2 (I think it was) and the fact that Falcar is too good at stabbing people in Obscurity. I did however make a katana, but it won't be added for various reasons.

To Blazer: Yes it would be nice wouldn't it. But, adding any more weapon files kills maps at present.

(xfire: crunchydeath) 



Posts: 98
05:00 AM 03/08/2009

OMG 1st perk. Giving up primary weapon for katana!!!!! i would SO use it on like half the maps!!!!


but let me guess.... xmodels?

cant you just remove some weapons that no one uses???

and a question.... does having red dot on a shotty count as more xmodels? cause red dot on a shotty is rather useless




Posts: 60
05:20 AM 03/08/2009

Hey im not sure if this is right but this is my guess.

The limit of Xmodels is the amount the mod can hold. Now there are alot of in-built Xmodels. The guns and attachments are in-built and they cannot be removed from the game/mod. And i think the other reason is that you have to reference the models which counts aswell. but thats just my view on it so it'll be wrong :D

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
06:33 AM 03/08/2009

Yep, Topgear is basically correct. The default weapons, attachments, models etc all count towards crashing our mod. We are right on the limit (last release we overlooked an added weapon file which killed Crossfire, this will be fixed). You cannot simply remove weapons and files as the core weapon models are built into the files and including by default. We have packed in a whole heap of new features, so trust us when we say that we done everything possible to squish in what we can.

Also with the katana, because the lack of new animations (COD4 export tools for maya animations seem to not work for me), it was cool, but not worth adding and overall probably doesn't fit into the mod.

I wanted claws/gauntlets for the obscurity to use instead of a knife. Perhaps I will try adding them again once MW2 is out and *fingers crossed IW don't screw us over* we have more room for more features (going to be super PO if we can't fit all the stuff we currently have in MW2).

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
01:49 AM 06/08/2009

:'( all i have to say for now.

(edit) can u at least make it to where u ran faster or long without your main weapon, or both :)

also please note that the obs knives have been surprisingl long lately. idk if u guys changed it or if u guys accidentally changed it or the new version did, but they're definitely not behaving normally. lol

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
04:15 AM 06/08/2009

You do run faster without your main out I believe...at least, you run faster with your pistol out. Speeds do not need touching IMO, remember you can always use hustle to have that extra speed edge, works great for those long jumps combined with Acrobat. I realised that's why I couldn't make that epic jump on Ambush again Falcar, I didn't have Hustle on me the next time I tried Tongue out

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
07:32 AM 06/08/2009

have like an air gun that pushes obs/players around. maybe have a cooldown like flamey in cod5?

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
05:13 PM 06/08/2009

haha. well i try to keep medic on :)

and i mean yeah u run faster with your pistol but, for those who sacrifice thier main weapon, could they get a little edge on speed or longevity of the sprint?? since basically all they can do is knife the obs (pistols havent really been strongenough to kill obs lately- even the deagle).




Posts: 244
07:23 PM 06/08/2009

Well technically speaking they ARE getting a boost to their sprint when they pull the pistol out. All the veteran players you see (RuthlessBoo, Res420, Bisc, Myself) all pull out the pistol when we run. When we pull the pistol out the the Length of the run stays the same, but the speed increases. Mathmatically it's like a 30% bonus to your sprint by pulling out a smaller weapon.

T = Time sprinting   S = Speed of weapon you are holding. Lets say Assault rifles are 1 and pistols / sub machine guns are 3  D = Distance covered

So if you sprint for 8 seconds(T) at a(times) Speed of 1(S), you get(=) the 8 yards over 8 seconds(D). If you sprint at a speed of 3 over 8 seconds, you can cross MUCH more space, practically 24 yards over 8 seconds. This improves with Acrobat and hustle exponentially IMO.

With a normal weapon it's just plain old running. So the bonus is there by default, unlike in normal COD4 where you run the same speed no matter what.



And the pistols are WAY strong enough. I've used the M9 religiously since the beginning. I know people like the Deagle, but ANY gun with 2 bullets to the head will kill an obs, it's just a combination of your aim, their position according to your computer, their position according to THEIR computer and a plethora of other things. But I've killed 3 obs in a row before with one clip of the M9. It's all on how you play =)


And in my opinion Acrobat is the BEST thing EVER for that perk slot. I can basically sprint forever and can outrun obscurities xD Comes at a price of dead silence, but I'll manage xD I usually couple it with Battle hardened and 3Xflash.  So evenif they slice my legs while I'm in midair, I can still run away yelling "Nya Nya you can't catch me!! *giggle*"


So there you go blazer =)  And the knife range will be experimented with in the next update if I'm not mistaken ^.^

And is everyoe ok with the running speed of the obscurities being slightly faster than the marines? I'm just wondering everyones position on this. Because when he first upped the movement speed it was crazy funny xD Anyway, just curious =)



(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
10:32 PM 06/08/2009

lol skip the math. yes i know pistols make u run faster, BUT you still carry a main weapon which adds weight to your player. (in real life) so if u drop it you should be lighter, faster, what not.

yes obs faster is A-OK. only reasonable thing to do since they can only knife.

hmm i guess my aim is off with pistol ;)

hmm am i not considered a veteran player? :'( lol




Posts: 244
12:13 AM 07/08/2009

All I mean by veteran is the amount of time spent on EAS server >.< I'd played Obs before I came there so I was  a veteran to the mod, but not the server. And I know you've been there a while now, but the rest of us are almost ancient >.<

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
03:13 AM 07/08/2009

We have done this to the LMGs. All other weapons are as is. Just use the pistols and perks for the speed boosts for now. The dropping was meant for sharing weapons and dropping the chunky LMG's, when I say chunky, I mean chunky. Try it, you know you want to! Take and LMG and RPG and pick up another LMG. You will feel like the strongest tank in the world, yet still a weak little human.

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
06:22 AM 07/08/2009

obs shouldnt be faster cause they got their long jmp thingo

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
03:00 AM 08/08/2009

can u make it so when you die, the dead pple can run around or something and maybe kill each other (the other dead pple) but the normal pple cant see us but we can still see them? just so we dont get too bored with some ob hat takes too long or something?

(xfire: LaZerAus) 


OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 225
04:30 AM 08/08/2009

Talked about this ages ago, but im still not sure how good it would go but here was the idea.

Somethin small, when a marine kills an obscurity the ob looks back at the kill cam.
What if the killcam for when obs have just been killed, the killcam follows the bullet from your gun to when it kills the ob?

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
10:53 AM 08/08/2009

I suggested a bullet cam for matirx mod, I believe Falcar said that it would not be possible. I guess this falls under the same category.

(xfire: LaZerAus) 


OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 225
12:26 PM 08/08/2009

hmm, im pretty sure a mod out there has bullet cam..i think ill do some research.

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
12:34 PM 08/08/2009

As if bullet cam in obs, the bullets for the stock game aren't even moving projectiles, they're just vector traces. It was brought up for MTX because in that they *are* projectiles, but I don't know how to get it working properly (and didn't have time for trial and error at the time)

(xfire: LaZerAus) 


OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 225
12:41 PM 08/08/2009

that would make sense, no research for me then lol




Posts: 244
04:22 PM 08/08/2009

What if you ripped off the x4 mod and put in kill cam PoV for nades, rockets, other projectiles ^.^

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
08:29 PM 08/08/2009

love the idea bout dead people fighting. it does get rather boring waiting for campers or noob obs to kill ppl.




Posts: 42
12:15 AM 09/08/2009

i know this is a little late, but on overgrown in the cave obs have figured out how to phase under the ground and kill us from below without falling >.<. plz ge rid of tha tannoying glitch i HATE it. 

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
02:22 AM 09/08/2009

Not happening with dead players fighting each other. I can make them not be seen and heard, but there's no way of making them not collide with the alive players.




Posts: 60
04:17 AM 09/08/2009

I was looking around on Snake's website and saw the video of the glow sticks and thought they would be useful with the day/night cycle but lemme guess... Xmodels ?

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
04:22 AM 09/08/2009


(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
05:19 AM 09/08/2009

overgrown doesn have the cave, creek does :D


^falc. pple would just make a invisible meat shield.. marines and obs would rage so hard..

how do they make it with spectator then how they can fly around and go through pple?

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
05:33 AM 09/08/2009

They're spectators... and all they can do is spectate....

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
07:19 AM 09/08/2009

should make the dead pple spectate or something wicked (hint hint)

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
09:28 PM 09/08/2009

can u at least let the dead ppl spawn and be completely invisible? and run around and watch the action from their own angle?

PS: anyway to not have a cooldown on acroabt? makes it more fun as obs trying to knife bunnies :) and steal their FEETS!!! (inside joke) lol

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
11:50 PM 09/08/2009

omg read what I said a few posts back

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
12:39 AM 10/08/2009

well i was hopein u COULD do something but decided NOT to yet

(xfire: LaZerAus) 


OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 225
09:23 AM 10/08/2009

Blazer, plz drop the subject and realise its "NOT" going to happen, if it were possible it wouldve been done ages ago. But continue posting comments on new ideas that come to mind :P



(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
08:08 PM 10/08/2009

that was my last comment on the subject, i just never thought of that idea or heard of it.

moving on tho, is there anyway you guys could change the skin of the guns? like in this zombie mod the gold desert eagle is black instead of gold..? or add more cammo colors like black?

PS: also i've noticed in VIP on EAS the obs sometimes will knife a person, (the sound and blood shown in the kill cam and on the screen of the person) but the marines is unaffected. any explanation?

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
02:52 AM 11/08/2009

hehe have a racecar track outside each map so u go there when u die lol.


-will u add the freeview spectator (the inbuilt one) or not as pple might tell the other side where they are?


-and you should be able to give the pistols a camo.. and maybe even camo the knives :d


-maybe when the obs knife the marines can see the knife?


-can u make a perk that extends the clips by like say 10 bullets? or whatever works for that gun. e.g. you wont use that perk with a lmg if it only increases the clip by 10

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
03:06 AM 11/08/2009

-Can't edit the stock maps, and most custom maps are terrabad. Plus we can't edit them unless the author sends us the rawfiles, unlikely at best

-Ghosting, eliminating all stealth (unfair)

-People should stop saying "pistol camos", X FKN MODELS

-We had this going at one point in testing, but the animations were a bit weird at the end of the attack so it looked very strange, and we can't edit the animations (according to snakelet) because IW hasn't supplied the raw files to do it

-Any possible way of doing this would be an incredibly dodgy script method, which would essentially be very flawed and buggy. Other than re-creating every weapon, but who's going to bother doing that plus again referncing the same XMODELS

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
04:26 PM 11/08/2009

is is just me or are the guns getting stronger? because when im obs someone shoots me 2 times and i die...or he sprays and barely hits me...or something is making me stay in place too long like slow comp.. anyone know how to help me out? appreciated :)

PS:it must be with my comp, i had a marine stand still crouched and all he could do was turn and look and i hit him in the head on my screen, but it only crippled him.

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
11:52 AM 12/08/2009

Gun's aren't getting stronger.

Perhaps people are getting better, or they are trying a lot more different weapon combinations. It may be possible you lagged on your knife of that guy, or perhaps he lagged. No way to tell really, just finish the job with gore Tongue out

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
05:41 PM 12/08/2009

mk. i guess maybe a program was updating or something. lol

and maybe its the locational damage...takes fewer shots the higher up they are i guess.

PS: can u kill an obs with the needle equipped?

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
01:28 AM 13/08/2009

No, the medic syringe does no damage.

The locational damage is just that, locational. Hit a guy in the guts, he gets gutted. Hit his legs, he will be crippled. Slash his throat he will choke. They can also be combined and each stab will give you 5 seconds of bloodlust. Eg: Cripple, gut, finish = 15 seconds.

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
02:26 AM 13/08/2009

ok well then, there is this guy that has been suspected of hacking, but no one is sure, and i saw he knifed an obs to death and he said he used the syringe. idk if he's lying or...well the other part.

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
04:08 AM 13/08/2009

Probably just messing with you.

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
04:12 AM 13/08/2009

I may have accidentally made the syringe lethal to obs in the last update... ack...

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
08:41 AM 13/08/2009

haha. now ull see a stream of pple trying to overdose him.

should make it if u do get the ob it makes him dizzy or something?


(xfire: LaZerAus) 


OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 225
10:13 AM 13/08/2009

my opinion here, but the medic syringe should be only pulled out for the assistance of a downed marine and nothing else. Because there are people out there who will just use it as a spam weapon rather than a hope of survival.
And logically it would look stupid seeing a marine from a distance stabbing a syringe into mid air.

I say leave it the same :P

(xfire: seamusthefamous) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 526
10:46 AM 13/08/2009

It wasn't intentionally changed, and will be returned to normal next update.

(xfire: LaZerAus) 


OBSmin (S Rank) 

Posts: 225
11:40 AM 13/08/2009

i was hoping that post didnt sound like that i thought it was going to be changed. obviously it did.

but thanks for the reasurance ;D

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
06:22 PM 13/08/2009

lol. ok thanks. and we'll keep an eye on our suspect Cool

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
10:56 PM 13/08/2009

also i'd like to report a problem. sometimes when i revive i have no gun. and therefore can  not knife the obs attacking





Posts: 42
03:11 AM 14/08/2009

i ran into that problem to. more than once in fact. one time i just pressed my swap wepon and there it was. the other time i picked up someone elses gun. anyways if niether work just bunny hop till u win the round =D




Posts: 244
04:37 AM 14/08/2009

Could we do anything about the Rocket Launchers? People are hitting the ground like 4 feet infront of themselves and not dying. Or they just commit suicide. Is there a way to punish for too many suicides? It's not the point. The point is to kill without dying. And can you make the reload longer? The instant people hear an obs come at them they just shoot their own feet. Usually killing the obs but not them.




Posts: 244
04:48 AM 14/08/2009

Also, is there a way, dvar, to turn off the reflective damage, and the ability to shoot c4 that isn't yours?


(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
06:09 AM 14/08/2009

dont make sucidal punishable.. e.g ur just about dead and u jump and fall a bit and u die (saw that happen).

so many times when u can acidently kill yourself.. c4, cars, cmores...

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
06:12 PM 14/08/2009

"turn off the reflective damage, and the ability to shoot c4 that isn't yours?"

this sounds like a great idea. i get very tired of ppl putting c4 around me and then killing me with it or the obs shoots it and kills me. also a problem with clays..

anything going on with the "portals" idea?

(xfire: crunchydeath) 



Posts: 98
09:16 PM 14/08/2009

i've already asked falc if the c4 could become shootable.... 


its not happening :(




Posts: 244
12:18 AM 15/08/2009

ahh Kk

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
03:33 AM 15/08/2009

Shooting Explosives
We removed the shooting of team explosives a while back due to the fact that idiots go around shooting clays and c4 even if they are not in danger from them, therefore wasting another person's perk. If I strategically place my claymores and then some douche purposefully comes up and destroys them he is going to definately get a cap to the back of his head.

I suggest you go play the core game a little to go see what I mean. I have been banned from a server before because the same guy kept shooting my clays wherever I placed them. After 3 respawns of it I capped him in the face each time he did it until I was removed from the server.

If some idiot is going to waste somebody elses perk we could:
1. Let them and watch the TK toll rise majorly, with me as a major contributor.
2. Make it so teammates cannot damage your explosives.

I choose the latter.

Reflective Damage
This only occurs when you rack up # tk's or more during the one map. It was added to stop the excessive tk'ing that was occuring.
Check the server config for:
set teamkillreflect 3  //How many friendlies someone has to kill before they have reflected friendly fire ( 0 disabled reflected damage )

Rockets/Suicide Punishment
People who shoot rockets at their feet are usually on reflective damage pretty quickly. I can think of some ways to reduce this rocket problem you are explaining, and I will discuss it with Falcar. Suicides are not going to be punishable though. If people want to waste their round then they can if they want.

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
08:58 AM 15/08/2009

i see wht you mean with the shooting c4 (etc) but say if your like the last guy and you see some spare c4 down, say u set up a trap when he comes along and shoot it.. maybe add it so u can only shoot your own squads stuff maybe? or u can shoot them only after the placer has died?




Posts: 244
07:02 PM 15/08/2009

Well that's what I meant. The other day, I'm last survivor, I see an obs, try to shoot the C4, and then I died because I shot the C4 instead of the obs xD

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
01:10 AM 16/08/2009

But then how are you going to know the placer has died? You would just end up with people shooting at them when the placer is still alive and still dying as per what Spidergat said.

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
04:03 AM 16/08/2009

dunno,. your the modder :D

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
09:21 AM 16/08/2009

Has nothing to do with whether I am a modder or not. Could possibly add the blinking light to those that are active (placer is alive), with the light stopping when the owner dies. But as far as I'm concerned the explosives stuff can stay how it currently is.

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
08:23 PM 18/10/2009

ok guys i have a new idea to implement on OBS vision!!!!

have any of u guys heard of "negative..."vision"" or something like that. EX: get ur phone, go to camera, pick color tone- negative. that stuff looks sweet!

is there anyone who would like obs to see like tht? it's definitely different and can be cuz the obs are "aliens" or just "tech savvy" to where they can use that stuff.i think it would be really cool to be switching between the regualr vision of a marine and then a super sweet vision as obs.  (can effect how obs see thro weather or something if going to be implemented.)

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
09:17 PM 18/10/2009

We played around with the negative vision/FLIR in the early days of obs. It was cool, but not many people liked it, so it was scrapped. (See, AC130 mission from singleplayer).

A Super Fat Guy
(xfire: asuperfatguy) 

A Super Fat Guy


Posts: 15
09:51 PM 18/10/2009

Maybe u could put in heat vision.  To be fair for marines you could make it not be able to see through walls.  I think this would be really good especially during fog cause i hate being obs when there is fog because u can hardly see anything and even bloodlust is hard to see at a distance with fog.  But then heat vision could counteract that and make the obs even more alien-like.  But as i have heard many many times, the xmodels could crash the game.  If it is possible i think it would be cool.

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
11:14 PM 18/10/2009

heat vision is just too unfair. fullstop. and how do you no the obs put off heat :D

and if marines have heatvision it would be like imposiible to see when you spam lol




Posts: 3
04:18 AM 19/10/2009

f---ing hell, i just wrote 500 words in an idea and this forum signed me out


anyways i have a few good ideas, i want the makers xfire , any help?




Posts: 3
04:20 AM 19/10/2009

whats if we made thermo, very weak, so that the obscuirty only became very weak if the obscur lept or attacked


(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
05:30 AM 19/10/2009

Guys, I'm sorry to keep shutting down all the ideas, but I'm fairly sure this heat vision/thermal vision  has been brought up many times already and we have explained that it cannot be done in the way that you all want it to work (eg characters/obs or marine having heat signatures etc)

A Super Fat Guy
(xfire: asuperfatguy) 

A Super Fat Guy


Posts: 15
06:26 AM 19/10/2009

I no that heatvision can work but i want to clarify to cheapshots what i meant.  I didnt mean that marines got heat vision.  I meant that obs got heat vision but so it wouldnt be over powered obs couldnt see through walls with heat vision.




Posts: 3
06:36 AM 19/10/2009

Please edit your post and include new information, as opposed to quadruple posting.

well, i had an idea, frequently i join a game and it ends before i get to be obscurityy and also i leave just before i become obscurity then i rejoin and i have do the rounds all over again, why not just
make accounts that keeo track of our last matches played to even decide who becomes opbscuirty

Yellow text from here and below added by Snakelet: Don't leave and join and you will get your turn. You cannot keep track of who joins and leaves on servers on an individual basis, this is stupid and not feasible.

also, an idea for perk

-swifty, player can dart around (f) about 2 or 3 metres to avoisd obscuirty. this recharges in a second however player cannot shoot until has not darted for 5 seconds

Use Hustle


also, escapist perk,  mantling and climbing ladder can be done in a split second, jumping is slightly higher and everything is mantleable, as long as part of their body is level with it.

Use acrobat for enhanced jumping and landing capabilities. Faster mantling is not needed, and to make everything mantleable would require edits to every map...not happening.


Played Exactly the same as Obscurity Team Deathmatch right now




Both teams get marines and Obscurity.

No, this has been suggested before and will not be happening.



Yes, yes I am.

make this intoa server now, and make so that it goes around in lives so there is 1 obscurity to evber 2 marines, u will need to power up marines a little bit, ei make them twice as resitant to attacks


(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
09:42 AM 19/10/2009

ahh i get u fat guy. maybe the night vision will be a diff contrast to e able to see?




Posts: 31
08:01 AM 20/10/2009

Awegazm your brand new to the mod so shut up
and also snakelet why do we have to press tab to seee who got killed ? can you change that so its easier to tell if an afk gets possed

Snakelet: He is new, therefore we should help explain things to him rather than tell him to shutup.
You have to press tab so it is more of a challenge. We want you to stress and not know how many teammates you have alive. You can always use squads to have a major advantage as to the movements of Obscurity players. It is also like this because we want no HUD. Obituary spam = HUD.

You need to use visual clues and possess spam to know who is possessed. It is not meant to be easy, you really need to concentrate. Look out for marines running abnormally fast, pushing objects about around them and omitting the obscurity sound. When I am suspicious of someone, I always keep my eye on them awaiting to be fired upon. Bulletproof Vest will save you the majority of the time if you do come upon a possessed guy that got the drop on you.

You have resources to help you with the above issues, so just experiment some more. We have intentially made the mod difficult, as we like a challenge...so don't expect easy to be implemented.

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
09:49 AM 20/10/2009

chillax mikeey.

thats the point of it tho, to make it cmore challenging. thats y they removed the dogtags from the score. its also better than pressing esc to see the map




Posts: 31
11:52 AM 20/10/2009


Truee but how in anywayy  is obscurity spose to be real ? Tongue out
Snakelet: We want realistic weapons, attributes, and perks for the marines, not super teleport phaser beanbags and such. That is what we mean when we say we want it to be realistic.

(xfire: topg3ar) 



Posts: 26
04:25 AM 21/10/2009

Im not sure is this is correct by ill take a stab at it. No new perks can be added due to the menu file limit but if they wanted new perks they would have to remove some of the current ones. But the current ones are perfect already so its your better off to not to.




Posts: 31
07:47 AM 21/10/2009

Lol sorry snakelet :P
but on the hud/mini map could you make it so when your obs and you get bloodlust you can see the marines that are glitching/afk instead of having to ask people where they are. But only in the last minute

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
07:54 AM 21/10/2009

That's what bloodlust does, shows you all the marine positions...

(xfire: crunchydeath) 



Posts: 98
08:27 AM 21/10/2009

that it does. but its near impossible to see during any sort of bad weather or from any significant distance

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
10:54 PM 21/10/2009

true. also if ur a good obscurity u can finish a marine off with 1 hit, and get like 3 seconds of bloodlust. which in turn gives u a shorter glimpse at marines and harder to see if glitching. but i think that's ok as it is.

and the AC-blah-blah-blah mission, has BLURRY negative vision. it should be cleaned up and then i bet it would be greatly enjoyed. it provides the supernatural look of the obscurity and the predatorial view that would boost the mood. also the tech savvy or evolved obs would be able to see thro weather if u want... and during the day, you can make it how the current night vision is. it gets a little whiter, but still visible. the marines of course would be black instead.

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
01:00 AM 22/10/2009

maybe for the bloodlust the obs also get like the (you no how u get hit and u see the red mark where u got shot from), wlll add that to show where they are? so that helps narrow it down in the last minute of gameplay




Posts: 31
07:55 AM 22/10/2009

Yea and it is hard to see on big maps and also when people glitch




Posts: 244
07:33 PM 22/10/2009

The AC mission in game was a filter effect, but it was just negative, it was not an auto "Turn everything to black and white" filter. In the map maker Activision released you can see the units, trees, buildings, vehicles that were made, and colored, especially for that level. They are black and white. So in order to do that with Obscurity... well I don't even know how it would be done, lol. I just know that those pieces were made especially for that level. FYI ^.^

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
12:47 AM 23/10/2009

well the supremely awesome snakelet and falcar need to find out XD

*fingers crossed*

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
09:16 AM 23/10/2009

There is a negative command, but yes to get proper FLIR effect you would need to switch all third person skins to white skins whenever you switch to Obs vision, but due to not being able to detect when the NV button is pressed and not being able to add anymore xmodels without losing maps, not going to even try.

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
01:05 PM 23/10/2009

can u make it so u can have 3x smoke nades?

or like one flash and one smoke or something?

(xfire: snakelet) 


OBS Dev 

Posts: 1330
04:01 PM 23/10/2009

There already is 3x special in perk 1 category and it works with smokes

(xfire: unnaturalhunter) 



Posts: 118
10:01 PM 23/10/2009

!!!!!!!!!!! screw the xmodel limit!!!!!!!!!!!  :'(

(xfire: deserteagle1266) 



Posts: 248
11:30 PM 23/10/2009

oh never tried it. someone said in class preset submission that it doesnt.. LIES!

