(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
09:14 AM 12/09/2009 |
"There is Hardcore, and then there is HitLoc" Please keep discussion and speculation here until release.
(xfire: crunchydeath)
Posts: 98
09:42 AM 12/09/2009 |
ohhhhh..... i wonder what it could be!!
c'mon!!! just give us some hints.... also... how long is soon? like a few weeks? or postal 3 type soon?
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
09:44 AM 12/09/2009 |
Duke Nukem Forever type soon (j/k) It will be very soon. We have progressed quiet rapidly since starting it. I anticipate by the end of September or sooner.
There are hints in both the name and the slogan
(xfire: sideways29)
Posts: 55
12:35 PM 12/09/2009 |
Im assuming it has to do somthing with both zombies and nukes?
so....its like zom_db....except u need to find the nuke codes and put em in a computer terminal
am i right? :o
Maybe its an alien invasion.....but who knows?
i suppose we will have to leave it until screenshots of the mods footage have been released....or the mod itself
(xfire: LaZerAus)
OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 225
02:05 PM 12/09/2009 |
lol, well you can keep guessing.
Snake has given you some clues, I'm trying not to give away too much information :P
(xfire: chaosbeserker)
Posts: 53
04:21 PM 12/09/2009 |
knowing their mods its going to be something that we thought was impossible but can actually be done whilst still being awesome
Posts: 244
06:12 PM 12/09/2009 |
So I've been thinking. Sing they have don primarily unrealistic mods so far this one will either be a realism type mod, or it will be another off the walls bat $4i! crazy one... I've been doing research (ty google) and have come up with the following...
A table for random hit location. Coincidence, I THINK NOT!
This chilling story reminds us all that bus travel is never safe, but doesn't really have anything to do with the mod =)
However from all the research I've done so far I'm led to believe (via all the source code for various video games I've found) That there will either be vehicles implemented, or it will be a crazy game of skill and hitting people in the right place at the right time. Sorta like the old Boss fights "SHOOT THE GLOWING RED THING! IT"S HIZ WEEK POYNT!"
So yeah... We'll see..
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
01:18 AM 13/09/2009 |
Aliens, zombies, nukes, boss fights and driving buses...
We were considering creating a game where you must drive a bus, with a nuke on it, above a certain speed limit. This bus was provided by aliens who need to wipe out the human race due to a control centre being overrun by zombies. You were going to have to drive said bus to the core of this control centre through masses of zombies and boss zombies and hit a specific location within it, which would blow up the bus and launch various nukes across the globe...
After careful consideration, we decided that this was too unrealistic.
HitLoc, and the slogan "There is Hardcore, and then there is HitLoc" was meant to make it pretty clear that this was going to be our take on a hardcore mod. For anybody who likes MGS, this is the European Extreme mode. It's easiest to think of Hardcore as the new Softcore, and HitLoc as the new Hardcore.
The beans have been spilled, so as not to overhype it with these crazy ideas
It is simply our take on how hardcore should have been. It will be compatible with all core game types.
(xfire: LaZerAus)
OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 225
02:59 AM 13/09/2009 |
lmao, just a little unrealistic there snake
yeah that was probably a good idea "spilling the beans" being that everyone was expecting a completely impossible like mod. but HitLoc, IS the new Hardcore!
(xfire: crunchydeath)
Posts: 98
05:15 AM 13/09/2009 |
can you please make the other one too!!!
(xfire: LaZerAus)
OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 225
05:56 AM 13/09/2009 |
There's really no point now, because mw2 is nearly out. And I can't see them making a mod with different mods mixed together.
But crunch, you should make it :P
(xfire: sideways29)
Posts: 55
08:24 AM 13/09/2009 |
Too unrealistic? yes, but could be pretty awesome? YES! imo
However the work for AI scripts might be really annoying, ive always dreamed of a campaign-like mod that is extremily hard to do and takes teamwork to the next level, boy boy i wish i could make one of
In my opinion, it doesnt matter if its too unrealistic, just make sure it aint easy and its frustrating and fun!
like shooting Mary Poppins zombies! (idk why i said that)
but ooh...i wanna be a Sneaky Russian!
anyway, i hope its good :)
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
09:03 AM 13/09/2009 |
should be mad with one person with a deagle or one handed mp5 driving the bus, whilst the others r on the roof and shooting out the doors with mgs and weapon of choice :D would be wicked
(xfire: sideways29)
Posts: 55
09:12 AM 13/09/2009 |
hehehe :P
(xfire: crunchydeath)
Posts: 98
09:53 AM 13/09/2009 |
but i dunno anything about modding :(
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
11:23 AM 13/09/2009 |
lol failface!
(xfire: asoso101)
EAS Admin
Posts: 64
11:35 AM 13/09/2009 |
You know if you guys want, I can get a US test server going for you in about 10 minutes. :)
(xfire: sideways29)
Posts: 55
12:12 PM 13/09/2009 |
the mod hasnt been released yet
and boi am i goin to enjoy bashing people XD
Posts: 11
12:44 PM 13/09/2009 |
Will you be carrying over bans from obs??
(xfire: sideways29)
Posts: 55
12:49 PM 13/09/2009 |
in most likely cases they will be, no one accepts hacking scum
Posts: 11
12:53 PM 13/09/2009 |
Mm ive been around longer then u in this community buddy, even tho only a few ppl no it, i was asking them not u :) kthankzbai
(xfire: sideways29)
Posts: 55
12:56 PM 13/09/2009 |
well i never said they were, i said most likely they would
im not liek their messenger or somthin XD
Posts: 11
01:01 PM 13/09/2009 |
Im aware of that as im just saying too but whatever, i just hope they dont, might give some people another chance after having thought about what they did wrong, and how much of a idiot they were for doing the things they did.
(xfire: chaosbeserker)
Posts: 53
01:40 PM 13/09/2009 |
if your including it with the core gametypes then could you also include the capture the flag gametype
also any plans to have some of the 4th perks....having a lazer that damaged people as they moved through it would be interesting
OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 256
02:51 PM 13/09/2009 |
Wow I have edit and delete buttons on everyones posts and I can't even delete my own post.
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
03:38 AM 14/09/2009 |
Sucks to be you I'll look into it if I remember during next website update session.
Tehfonz: No guarantee what I said last night will be implemented, as not having much luck so far.
(xfire: sideways29)
Posts: 55
08:46 AM 14/09/2009 |
yeah i know, u saying "trying to figure out" made me think ur not having any luck atm, but i suppose knives are cool anyway :D :P
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
09:11 PM 14/09/2009 |
It would appear that my luck has changed...
A Super Fat Guy
(xfire: asuperfatguy)
Posts: 15
10:14 PM 14/09/2009 |
I think that toobs should be ELIMINATED!!! I hate noob tubes.... I think u should implement some of the location damage from obs such as legs being blown off from nades like when u get knifed in the foot in obs and then u can only crawl. That would be cool and a lot more realistic. And i suggest keeping the 4th perk cause that was a MAJOR part of the ob mod and one of the best. My main point is that u whould try to implement a lot of the stuff from the ob mod cause that had some of the best stuff in it. But if u dont implement location damage it will make me really mad although it probably wont ruin the mod cause u guys do REALLY good at mods. Wow that was long...
OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 256
12:18 AM 15/09/2009 |
You can't tell them to keep features that aren't and haven't been in the mod ;)
Remember that it is a new mod from a new starting point.
A Super Fat Guy
(xfire: asuperfatguy)
Posts: 15
12:37 AM 15/09/2009 |
I know but still.... U have to agree toobs were the noobiest thing in the game.
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
01:59 AM 15/09/2009 |
HitLoc...split the word apart, and you should get an idea of one of our main focuses with the mod
Also, tubes can be edited to be great. Check out the tubes in Obs. Although I'm not sure we will carry those tubes across, it is pretty clear that we aim to make the guns more balanced then core COD.
As for the other things, it is our reworking of Hardcore, so you may see a cool feature or two from Obscurity, but they are not related as Describe said.
HitLoc is "our" hardcore mode, as such don't expect to be seeing new weapons or perks, but rather new balances, and visual elements and NO HUD!
(xfire: crunchydeath)
Posts: 98
04:49 AM 15/09/2009 |
this game has a hud?!
:P i never (ever) played anything but hardcore :P
before obs that is ^_^
(xfire: seamusthefamous)
Posts: 526
05:23 AM 15/09/2009 |
"Hardcore" still has HUD, name tags and hit indicators for starters. They have been removed.
Posts: 11
12:21 PM 15/09/2009 |
Guess we all better learn the uniforms abit better then aye :P
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
01:13 PM 15/09/2009 |
you should know that anyway.. learned from my mistakes of being freaked out and shot my own dudes. game mode called catch the tube.. lol. you have to capture the grenade launched from the tube, (cause u can like bounce tubes off walls and stuff.maybe like hot potoato where u gotta keep shooting it and catyching it?
Posts: 7
04:54 AM 16/09/2009 |
(xfire: seamusthefamous)
Posts: 526
06:56 AM 16/09/2009 |
RE: carrying over bans, only for you bunny.
(xfire: LaZerAus)
OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 225
08:13 AM 16/09/2009 |
You couldn't make it any more obvious..."Nomadz"
Posts: 11
11:45 AM 16/09/2009 |
Bah well w/e and wasnt trying to b sneaky at all tbh, lost pass to bunny account
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
02:41 PM 18/09/2009 |
There is plenty of HUD in hardcore mode. Expect to see a sexy HUDless screen in HitLoc. Also prepare to start counting your shots and timing your reloads so as not to waste those precious bullets.
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
09:19 PM 19/09/2009 |
ah normal reloads, not the unreal cod ones. oh well
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
10:35 AM 29/09/2009 |
ATS server for all your pre-release HitLoc needs. Hold F near a wounded soldier to assist him.
(xfire: jlid)
Posts: 71
04:25 PM 29/09/2009 |
Want me to set up a pre release EU server? i can give you ftp access to change as well ;)
catch me on xfire or post here and i can sort it :)
Posts: 244
05:38 PM 29/09/2009 |
Any Chance for america as well? Lemme know!
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
03:05 AM 30/09/2009 |
Pre-release server though, mainly just a quick access to test things server (We hijacked Mavrick's server, don't tell him!)...we will release a version for all to use soon
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
03:54 AM 30/09/2009 |
have u made a list of whts gunna be in it yet? cause i was bored and went in it and noone was there, and no help screen like in obscurity.
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
06:37 AM 30/09/2009 |
Pre-release: Testing and adding stuff. Release: We will provide a list/help providing details of what has been changed/added.
(xfire: jlid)
Posts: 71
07:52 AM 30/09/2009 |
ok mate, will keep an eye out around here!
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
12:02 PM 02/10/2009 |
HitLoc, funny video...
(xfire: jlid)
Posts: 71
01:58 PM 02/10/2009 |
i dont want funny videos i want HITLOC mod files ;)
nice tho!
(xfire: sideways29)
Posts: 55
08:20 AM 05/10/2009 |
i love how this mods going atm lol
More sparkles with granades and that stuff, smoke when explosions are fired, no escaping flashbangs either :S
theres alot more to do with this mod, prob be done at the end of this month :)
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
09:24 AM 05/10/2009 |
Well actually, you can look away from them to escape the blindness, but not the ringing sound.
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
08:20 PM 06/10/2009 |
Sorry people, I know I said HitLoc would be out around now, but it will be just a little bit longer as we are adding more than we thought and we are also very busy.
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
09:21 PM 12/10/2009 |
It will be soon
We are currently working on an epic locational damage and blood loss system, so just hold out a little bit longer. After this is done it won't be too long
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
11:24 PM 12/10/2009 |
cool. was gunna play 2night but noone was on. so i play cod5 for a bit and some noob was hiding behind a explosive barrel, so i empty some rounds into it.. BOOM. lol it was good
(xfire: sideways29)
Posts: 55
11:27 AM 22/10/2009 |
Fonzy is waiting patiently
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
01:41 AM 27/10/2009 |
Sorry for the lack of updates guys. We are busy as usual, but I have been attempting my hand at programming and succeeding whilst Falcar is busy studying for exams. Here are some details for you all.
HitLoc will provide a "beyond hardcore" experience. Complete HUD removal, recreated effects, reworking a couple of the perks, and weapons.
The main feature will be the HitLoc system. You now have life per limb, so spamming a limb with bullets will not kill a player but rather cripple or make them unable to hold guns. If a limb takes enough damage, you can bleedout and die. At this stage you will be dripping blood everywhere right before you die. Blood trails notify players that need healing. They will bleed from the limbs that are currently fully damaged.
(xfire: sideways29)
Posts: 55
03:15 AM 27/10/2009 |
still waiting though lol
(xfire: sideways29)
Posts: 55
06:42 AM 29/10/2009 |
more infoz? :o
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
11:47 AM 29/10/2009 |
Ummmm, I successfully managed to program blood trails specific to limbs and damage, when clearly, I am a fail programmer....
Hoping to implement a DVAR to set class restrictions :P eg. Everyone must use snipers, everyone must use shotguns etc. But we will see whether it makes it in before release or after. (Just to mix it up here and there like the good old PD64 days)
Posts: 244
04:51 PM 29/10/2009 |
Just get us a beta!!! I want to see if this makes enough waves to be used for competition!!! ^.^ Would be pretty awesome! Let us know as SOON AS POSSIBLE! lol.
Also some private news. I am in a production of Singing in the Rain as Cosmo Brown (The Donald O'Conner role) And we open tomorrow night so wish me break a leg!!!! ^.^
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
12:30 AM 30/10/2009 |
goodluck spider.
BTW there is a beta. the ATS ob is hitloc
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
03:05 AM 30/10/2009 |
Server Name: Snakelet's HitLoc Server IP
Another pre-release HitLoc server.
Break a leg Spider, you got many spares!
(xfire: baraspitfire)
Posts: 84
12:31 PM 30/10/2009 |
ha ha snake, the clan love it, we were playing for ages. dont worry about them going off at you for the domination thing, the captain that was on (DeathKnight) sorted it. :D
wow i havent typed in a while, damn xbox 360
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
12:35 PM 30/10/2009 |
damn hitloc getting teasd by snakelet :D hah
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
06:30 AM 05/11/2009 |
Quick HitLoc Locational Damage & Execution Video
Posts: 244
07:35 PM 05/11/2009 |
Thought about adding an extensive leveling system for HitLoc? Like up to 400? Every 50 levels or so you get a single bonus of some kind. Something that gives you a tiny edge. But something realistic. Like a bullet direction indicator (They do have these) that lets you know which direction you were shot at from. maybe a perk to carry more explosives or even more ammo. I'll look up actual military stuff they have later. But just a thought. I love the realism mods, but once you play for a while you get in a rut. But with 400 levels, and unlockables it tends to stay fresh a little longer. I know you're probably apposed to the idea. And again I'm not saying like AT LEVEL 400 YOU GET JET PACKZ AND FORCE FEELDS! I'm just saying tiny things that would give you an edge. Like being able to scope in to a sniper faster or something. Or have combination perks available. Like once you get to a certain point you can get a combined dead silence and extreme cond. type thing? I don't know. Food for thought ^.^ I'm sure you've thought of it all already =)
(xfire: crunchydeath)
Posts: 98
07:56 PM 05/11/2009 |
i like spiders idea! increasing the level cap would make the game last a bit longer... and give the ability to strike fear into the hearts of all the little people with your level 400 account!!!!
even if you don't give extra little perks (i wouldn't be against it) a level cap increase might be nice.
(xfire: sideways29)
Posts: 55
11:29 PM 05/11/2009 |
Level 400 seems abit too much, we might get noobs saying that u have no life if ur level 400 or
Then again, i do love it when noobs complain to tripleg when he has way more kills than anyone else, one time this guy was like TRIPLE IS HACKING, BAN HIM! one of the people who was in the clan server got him banned instead, we were laughing XD
but yeah, u should put a level system on it, even i have problems to level 200 ZOM_DB peoplez :P
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
12:18 AM 06/11/2009 |
It is definately worth looking into now that we have the normal levelling system in place. Not sure about custom perks and stuff as rewards though. Perhaps just a rank to say "Look, I play this mod often so don't mess with me noobs".
(xfire: sideways29)
Posts: 55
02:28 AM 06/11/2009 |
Whats the point with more levels when theres no unlockables and stuff, noobs would be just saying u got no life or somthin....imo :/
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
04:28 AM 06/11/2009 |
HitLoc Pre-Release Trailer #1
We probably won't add extra rank levels, but I will check into it none-the-less. HitLoc will not be adding new perks, but rather weapon balances, locational damage, reworked perks and no HUD to provide a more immersive hardcore experience based off the core game.
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
06:35 AM 07/11/2009 |
dono if this goes here but, you can make traps from smokes/flashes/stuns/nades, as you place em and say if someone chasing you, you can remote detonate it or somehting?
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
09:40 AM 07/11/2009 |
Can, probably...going to, probably not.
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
12:08 PM 07/11/2009 |
or mke a button that will just drop the nade, not throw it, like on bf2 you can throw em or right click and drop them.
Posts: 244
10:04 PM 07/11/2009 |
Thanks for taking the leveling into consideration Snakelet =)
And I didn't mean custom perks per say. Just something along those lines. Even something like, at level 400 you get 1 more perk to use. And don't make it overpowered, just something small. And I know 400 seems extensive. But when that level 400 walks into a game on a server, sporting their special little tag or little icon floating above them that indicates death. It's just pretty cool =) And you can make the leveling process as slow and painfully arduous as you would like ^.^
OH IDEA! just thought, and I don't know if it's possible to do this by linking to character level. But is it possible to link what level an account is to what player skin they are assigned in game? So like a level 400 is using the SpecOps sweet ass skin and everyone else is running around in the lesser skins? Just a question. I know that is probably a GSC thing and it would have to be reworked or especially made to work that way. But I know you know it better than we do.
That's all for now ^.^
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
12:04 PM 08/11/2009 |
that would b cool. can u make it so u can turn on you ghillie suit?
maybe it enhaces the perks? like extreme condit at lvl 300 makes your run 10%further, SOH - 10% quicker reloads? or somethign along those lines? cmores and explosives have a bit more power?
Posts: 40
01:01 PM 08/11/2009 |
@Spidergat : Linking player model to rank is really easy to do, can be done via external script run on spawn or by reworking _teams.gsc ;)
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
11:15 PM 08/11/2009 |
Yeah, it probably isn't too difficult, but I had a talk to Falcar about it and I don't think we will be increasing ranks, or changing anything in that regards at present. Our focus at the moment is to get it out to you people to play it, with everything we want achieved gameplay wise included.
Posts: 244
01:43 AM 09/11/2009 |
Sounds great! I know I can't wait for it! I know it will be amazing. Your mods are very balanced and have such emphasis on tweaking and cleaning up the inner workings of the game. I just adore them. Hope to see it soon!
(xfire: sideways29)
Posts: 55
03:16 AM 09/11/2009 |
idk if this was asked earlier....but will there be any perk 4? like battle hardened?
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
03:43 AM 09/11/2009 |
No plans at present. The plan for HitLoc is to improve upon the hardcore experience, for those who feel it is currently lacking in it's core state. Some perks and weapons will be reworked and some will be removed, but it is unlikely that any of the perk 4's included in Obscurity will be in HitLoc. The focus is on recreating the damage system so that it is more realistic.
People don't want to die because they got shot in a limb. They want to fight on and try take out a few more guys before they drop. Sure, it would be painful to be hit in a limb, but as a guess I think you could survive a fair few limbs shot before losing too much blood and dying. So for HitLoc, the focus is on locational damage and blood loss.
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
04:06 AM 09/11/2009 |
curving bullets like in wanted :D
you could have like say something like when you spawn you choose either say:
heavy gunner
spec ops
like those are the people, and then you choose the class. each charector dude have strengths and weaknesses e.g heavy gunner, more powerful/stronger but he will be slower. sniper may be faster and accurate but less health or soemthing?
(xfire: chaosbeserker)
Posts: 53
04:52 PM 09/11/2009 |
please make it that even if you drop your gun (but stil have hands) then you can still knife, even if the damage is reduced
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
09:24 PM 09/11/2009 |
Why, you got hit by a bullet. Core COD4 hardcore you would die, HitLoc, you have a chance, just run off and hide. It comes back after like 12-15 seconds, usually perfect timing to own the guy hunting you with shotgun to the face. I like it, it induces panic and lures the attacker into a false sense of security. Just run like crazy, hide, then blast em once your gun returns.
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
10:27 PM 09/11/2009 |
oh so if you get shot in your hands it returns later? that i didnt no.
(xfire: LaZerAus)
OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 225
10:55 PM 09/11/2009 |
yeah, it used to be that if you were hit in the hands it didnt return run away and hide for a few seconds, come back and seek revenge
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
01:40 AM 10/11/2009 |
You will however still be bleeding after those 12+ seconds. So you will need a heal, especially if you are bleeding out due to being hit in the arms too much, bleed out and die.
(xfire: crunchydeath)
Posts: 98
04:26 AM 10/11/2009 |
just a thought that popped into my head.... and now i must know the answer...
would it be possible to turn all the melons into equippable objects that can be thrown at your enemies that would upon impact cause severe dizyness and loss of vision due to obscuring melony flesh and pips!?!??!
as kinda like a last resort once your out of ammo :D
(xfire: LaZerAus)
OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 225
04:49 AM 10/11/2009 |
haha, i doubt HitLoc will have throwable melons....BUT!, this comes as an idea for April fools
(xfire: Stratos4Adict)
Posts: 34
04:12 AM 17/11/2009 |
OMFG!. I can't wait!!
I will try the server right now...
(xfire: baraspitfire)
Posts: 84
12:27 PM 18/01/2010 |
Wow xbox is taking over my internet gaming... wish i had a better PC, but this looks like it is coming along very nicely snake/falc great work
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
05:12 AM 19/01/2010 |
Yeah HitLoc is coming along fairly well
As for Xbox, I'm currently playing through Bayonetta, Darksiders, Assassins Creed 2, and Resident Evil 5 coop with my partner. Will probably have Mass Effect 2 added to that list soon.
On wii, I'm playing through New Super Mario Bros Wii with my partner.
On PS3 I'm working on Demon's Souls, which is a pretty awesome game.
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
09:11 AM 19/01/2010 |
cant remember if i said this but dunno if his would work but say u get attribute points each lvl or somethign that u add towards:
so that each category like reduces recoil, makes u run faster or longer
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
02:42 AM 20/01/2010 |
It would be a good idea, but we prefer to give everyone an even playing field so that your gameplay skills determine how good you are, not character stats.
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
12:29 PM 20/01/2010 |
ah true, just thought it would give more defined pple. but on that note does each claas (sniper, lmg, heavy gunner, smger, assault) based on their main gun) do they have their own set of stats? or are they basicalll all the same
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
01:31 AM 21/01/2010 |
The weapon they use or the damage they have taken determines their attributes. Some guns are heavier then others, so player will move relevant to what they are carrying, even if that weapon that is slowing them is stowed away.
We may be working on a class based system with pre-defined kits for hitloc further down the track. (Eg. A tank class, medic class; but much better than just those)
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
11:59 AM 21/01/2010 |
cool beans.
i was playing a while ago and when i zoomed in on a gun it didnt really zoom in any , just move the sights to a bit. i no in real life they dont zoom in butit should take up a bit more of the scrren or something cause they seem so small. i think its also the FoV.
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
12:23 PM 21/01/2010 |
Yeah, there is no zoom on normal iron sights. Acog is x2 and Snipers are x6 I believe.
Update: Woot! Epic changes to claymores and satchels are inbound!
(xfire: baraspitfire)
Posts: 84
02:50 AM 23/01/2010 |
i'm just thinking that this is turning more into tf2 rather than hardcore hardcore lol
(xfire: LaZerAus)
OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 225
04:10 AM 23/01/2010 |
Team Fortress 2, is nothing compared to HitLoc.
Have a go at playing HitLoc with some mates one day, and you'll find it really is quite enjoyable
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
04:11 AM 23/01/2010 |
Never played Team Fortress so meh. But having the ability to switch off the motion detect of the clays so your teammates can get past without getting killed is handy. As in our mod clays are tripped by anybody, they do not have a brain, so they can't detect which team a person is on and trigger accordingly.
If you are referring to that class thing I said, well we woulda had like 20 classes...but we are steering away from that now.
(xfire: baraspitfire)
Posts: 84
10:23 PM 24/01/2010 |
yea i was referring to the classes, and it was meant more as a joke than a proper statement lol
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
05:50 AM 26/01/2010 |
say whts the thief perk do?
(xfire: LaZerAus)
OBSmin (S Rank)
Posts: 225
07:00 AM 26/01/2010 |
The Thief perk is going to be win!
At the moment its still not entirely finished, but once it is.... >:D
(xfire: deserteagle1266)
Posts: 248
08:23 AM 26/01/2010 |
i thought it would be like scavenger in cod6, but i unlocked it now cause i was like half a lvl away from it, dunno if theif is the right word, maybe make it like run faster and prone/crouch faster and scavenge... duno maybe thats too much
(xfire: snakelet)
Posts: 1330
10:07 AM 26/01/2010 |
Did you assign the thief button and try it out? I don't think you did...
Also, scavenge fits perfectly in COD6, with all the other overpowered spam perks. No need for it here.
(xfire: kidxrated)
Posts: 31
09:08 PM 18/12/2010 |
should add Flack Jacket and stuff like that. You have a vest just make it flack jacket lol that would be sweet.
Stomach: Internal bleeding and blackouts,
Legs: Cripple (Cannot stand up)
Hands: Hand & arm injury (Cannot use weaponry)
Head: Death (You are dead, so watch the killcam)
Bleeding out: Limb or multiple limbs have taken too much damage. You will eventually bleed to death if not healed. The process speeds up whenever you take more damage.
All of these can be combined allowing some torture if necessary. These injuries cause blood loss from specified limb. Each condition above cause blood trails to occur to notify temamates that they need to heal you.
Non-Permanent Injuries:
Legs: Trip over or loss of sprint for # time.
Arms: Drop gun or loss of guns for # time.
Concussion: Impaired vision for # time.