Obscurity Mod

HitLoc: Let the party begin!

We have added a heap of features to HitLoc lately, but they have all been on the serious side. With that in mind, we decided to go a little crazy and create a completely new gametype for all those people who to want to have some good laughs whilst still popping caps into enemies HitLoc style.

We came up with the highly innovative and original name of…HitLoc Party Mode (currently no alcohol included). Party mode is a collection of mini-games, that are activated when a portion of your team captures an objective point. Once activated, you will be tasked with a random objective and given around a minute to score as many points as possible.

We are also currently in the process of marking out these capture points on all of the stock maps. To give you an idea of how random the capture points will spawn, Overgrown has over 500 points to choose from.

So for all you people who want a good dose of humour, or those that want to take a break from the serious side of gaming for a few hours, HitLoc Party Mode is for you. Here are the current mini-games, as promised. Let the party begin!

  • To view the complete and up-to-date list of mini-games, visit the HitLoc: Party Mode guide.
  • To view all games guides and helpful information for our mods, visit the Game Guides page.

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