HitLoc: Locational Damage and Injuries
Locational Damage
The locational damage system in HitLoc is very elaborate. Each limb on a player can only sustain a certain amount of damage before bleeding out is triggered, and the limb becomes crippled. Because various weapons inflict different damage, the rate of decay on limbs depends on what you are damaged by. Perks such as Bullet-Proof Vest and Medic can be used to assist with minimising or negating damage. Below are the details regarding the majority of damage types players can sustain.
Bullet Wounds:
Legs: Minute (trip), Partial (lose sprint and jump for 10 seconds), Critical (cripple), Fatal (trigger bleed out)
Arms: Minute (drop weapon), Partial (disable guns for 2 seconds), Critical (disable guns for 10 seconds), Fatal (trigger bleed out)
Chest: Critical (internal bleeding, blackouts, bleed out)
Neck: Fatal (blurred vision, blood spray, choking, death after 5 seconds)
Head: Fatal (instant death)
Throwing Knives:
Head: Fatal (Black out, blood, 3 secs then die)
Neck: Fatal (blurred vision, blood spray, choking, death after 5 seconds)
Chest: Fatal (Blackout and die after 10 seconds)
Arms: Critical (can’t hold weapons for limited time)
Legs: Critical (Instant cripple)
Head: Fatal (instant death)
Neck: Fatal (blurred vision, blood spray, choking, death after 5 seconds)
Chest: Fatal (instant death)
Arms: Critical (can’t hold weapons for limited time)
Legs: Critical (Instant cripple)
Explosives (Damage based on range)
Range Non-Fatal: Critical (concussion in proportion to the the amount of damage you take)
Range On-Top: Fatal (instant death and bloody mist)
Special Grenades
Smoke: Direct Hit (small amount of damage), Indirect (blurred vision based on time stuck in smoke)
Stun: Direct Hit (small damage), Indirect (shellshock if in range)
Flashbang: Direct Hit (small damage), In sight (blinded and deafened based on how close you are to it), Out of sight (deafened based on distance from you)
Identifying Injuries
Being able to identify wounds and injuries when in the heat of battle can be the difference between life and death for both you, your team or your enemies. A general rule of thumb is that if you hear a scream, a player has been wounded enough that he needs to be healed. Detailed below are important things to look out for to help identify specific wounds, thus providing you with the adequate response to take when you come across them.
Bleeding occurs when limbs have been shot too much. You can identify if somebody is bleeding by looking for small blood drips on the ground or by arterial blood spraying from their limbs. The more a limb gets shot or the longer it is left untreated, the more intense the bleeding will be. A bleeding player will need healing, as when left unattended they will eventually bleed out.
Bleeding Out
Bleeding out occurs when wounds are not treated and the player begins to lose too much blood. If a player begins to bleed out he cannot be saved, therefore you should always try to heal a player if you suspect he is injured. You can indentify if you are bleeding out by looking at the ground to see how fast the blood drops are forming. The only other way to identify it is when it is too late. At this point you will begin to slowly black out over a period of roughly 30 seconds. You will then die.
Blackouts occur either when you are bleeding out or randomly when you have suffered from internal bleeding. Your vision will randomly fade in and out, sometimes to pitch black. If you cannot see it makes things extremely difficult, so this should be treated as quickly as possible. Blackouts also occur varyingly when you are hit by a throwing knife. In these cases you will usually die very quickly.
Internal Bleeding
This occurs when a player is shot in the chest or back with a low-velocity weapon such as a pistol or SMG. You will know if you are suffering from internal bleeding as your vision will pulse, you will be very slow and suffer from random black outs. If left untreated for too long, you will die. You are very vulnerable when suffering from internal bleeding.
Explosions are the cause of concussions. Although a concussion is only temporary, it is still extremely dangerous as you are left extremely vulnerable during its duration. If you take explosion damage, your vision will become very fuzzy and you will move extremely slow making you an easy target. The closer you were to the explosion the longer the concussion will last. There is no way to heal a concussion, therefore you must wait until it wears off.
Sprained Ankle
This occurs when a player falls from a large height. If you take a leap and your player screams, it is likely you have suffered a sprained ankle. Until healed, you will not be able to sprint at all, which could make life a lot more difficult.
There are many ways a player can become crippled. Large falls, knives and being shot in the legs too much or by a powerful weapon will general cripple you. When crippled your player will scream and then collapse to the prone position. You can survive a relatively long time when crippled, but if you try to stand you will bleed out much quicker. To identify a crippled player keep an eye out for a feint blood smearing occuring behind a player as he moves in a prone position. Although you can last a long time the bleeding will eventually intensify, causing a bleed out to occur.
Leg Wounds
Your legs can sustain a lot of damage, but eventually if shot up too much you will become crippled. Depending on where a player was damaged and how much damage was inflicted, they may trip over, lose the ability to jump, lose the ability to sprint or become instantly crippled. Tripping over and losing sprint/jump are generally temporary and will not require healing unless bleeding is occuring.
Arm Wounds
Your arms can also sustain multiple non-life threatening wounds. When shot in the hand you will drop the weapon you were holding, ut most of the time you can pick it back up again instantly. If shot in the upper arm, you may find that you cannot use your weapons for a short while. If you are shot in the arms and you hear a scream, you will find that you cannot hold your weapons for around 10-15 seconds. Generally players think that an arm wound is non-life threatening and tend not to check if they are bleeding by checking the soil beneath their feet. As always, if bleeding is left unattended you will bleed out and die.
Neck Wounds
There is not much that can be done if you suffer from a slit throat, a bullet to the neck, or have been impaled by a throwing knife into the neck. You have about 6 seconds to admire your surroundings as you choke on your own blood. Identified by blood spraying out of a players neck and a slight gargling sound.
You will get stunned by concussion grenades on occasion. It is temporary and non-lethal, but leaves you at a disadvantage. Your view will get kicked violently and you will suffer from shock and have limited movement during this time, you can however still return fire.
Throwing Knife Wounds
Wounds inflicted by throwing knives are always critical. To identify a throwing knife wound, look for an impaled knife in a player. You will only be able to save a player from throwing knife wounds to the limbs. They will not last long when they have a throwing knife in any part of their head/neck/back or torso. You have about 3 seconds to live when a throwing knife impales in your head. The last thing you will see is blood streaming down across your vision.
You will become blind if you are within range of a flashbang and it is within your field of vision. You will see pure white for a limited amount of time depending on how close you were when the flashbang went off. This is temporary and will wear off. The best thing to do if you see a flashbang, is to turn your back to it. You will not get blinded, but you will be still be affected by temporary hearing loss.
Hearing Loss
This is also inflicted by a flashbang. A flashbang will inflict a loss of hearing for a temporary amount of time, and it will slowly recover. The closer you are when the flashbang goes off, the longer your hearing will be affected. The only way to avoid loss of hearing when a flashbang goes off, is to be out of range.
Blurred Vision
Smoke grenades will cause your eyes to water if you are caught in the smoke. This blurs your vision, making it hard to see things. The blurring is proportionate to the time spent in the smoke. It is best to not stay in it for too long if possible. It is however not life threatening, so you may wish to hide in it and risk temporary blurred vision.
Instant Death
There are times when nothing can save you. You will die very quickly or instantly. Falling to your death, being shot in the head or blown up are the most common ways of dying instantly.